MyBB (formerly known as MyBulletinBoard) is an open source online community forum platform written in PHP and using a MySQL database. It is free to download, easy to install and comes with several features that make it immensely popular among users.
A MyBB expert can help you set up the basic framework of your forum, configure plugins, themes and plugins, install templates, create backups and perform other customizations. Depending on your needs and your budget, a MyBB expert can also carry out custom coding, theme debugging and optimization.
When interviewing potential MyBB experts for the job, research their past work experience and portfolio of projects. Ask about their prior experience with MyBB as well as other similar software and platforms. Additionally, discuss the details of the project such as timeline, budget, desired features and scalability of the forum in order to determine the ideal candidate for the job. The hourly rate for a MyBB expert may range from $30-50 depending on their past experience and qualifications.
Hiring a MyBB expert on ensures access to a wide pool of freelancers with expertise in this specific domain. Freelancer provides verified reviews of experienced professionals as well as transparent job contracts and payment terms to ensure absolute comfort and security. So don't wait – hire aMyBB programmer today on Freelancer!