Mermaid logo / coverart for album called: MERMAID MAGIC 2 - 25/12/2024 05:29 EST
- ステータス: Open
- 賞金: €15
- 受け取ったエントリー: 2
- 優勝者: ashvinray
I released a mixtape with 24 mermaid themed beats called mermaid magic. Now I'm planning to promote it and to produce and release a second mermaid themed beats only compilation that will fit on a CD. I am looking for a logo that I can use on merchandise and a CD cover for the second album. There is a lot of royalty free mermaid stuff available on pixabayy, and I use those alot as a base for artwork for singles. It's mostly AI, and it's Allright and there is plenty of usable images. The cover art for the Mermaid Magic album I ordered on fiverr. But now I'm looking for something different, something unique. Simple, recognizable, cool mermaid image/design
More details:
Is this project for business or personal use? Personal
What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Surprise me please. I like colorful stuff. Check out the image in the attachement for inspiration. This is the design I had made on fiver. It's cool, but if you look close, then you will see that the porpotions of the Mermaid tail and the body do not really connect. Detailed project proposals. A mermaid? Multiple mermaids? A logo with mermaid(s)? The titel "MERMAID MAGIC" is important. It's for a beat cd/album with multiple tracks. First edition I simply called: instrumental beats. Second edition can be the same or something different.
How soon do you need your project completed? No time limit
ashvinray India
benishumer Pakistan
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