Image Refurbishment and Modification

  • ステータス: Pending
  • 賞金: $40
  • 受け取ったエントリー: 8
  • 優勝者: minalgunthewar


I need this image cleaned up as well as a few alterations that are as follows:

1) The woman made sharper and clearer. You will need to have some good image editing software. I know the image is pixelated and of low resolution so PLEASE don't state the obvious. Just do your best with it. This is what we’re working with.

2) a) Her hair needs to be a golden-blond color. (right now it looks grey-blond. b) Her hair needs to have a few loose tendrils hanging down both sides of her face. It additionally needs more volume on top. I want you to add like a double-decker bee-hive bun up on top of her existing hair. I will provide a couple of extra *example images to show you what I want the hair to look like regarding the style and the color.
3) We want to remove the lower necklaces. So, she will only be wearing just the one diamond choker necklace you see on top tier of necklaces.
4) Also remove (or you can try to improve?) the ruby brooch at her bodice. And definitely remove the cluster diamonds underneath it.
5) Make the quote of the cursive text slightly darker.

Important❗I will add some helpful comments about the contest design elements in the in comment section as the contest progresses. Don't forget to check them to make sure that you are on track.

And that's it! Good luck and thank you.





  • RiverFaye333
    • 2日前

    Hello, good morning. I want to thank my winner, Manal, for her hard work and dedication!!! And also a big thank you to each and every one of you for doing your best.

    • 2日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 2日前

    Last note:

    Just a friendly reminder:

    I am closing this contest and selecting the prize winner sometime between the hours of 8 PM and 10:30 PM tonight, February 4th,
    (GMT+5:30) India Standard Time. That will be tomorrow morning (for me), between 8 AM and 10 AM ET. All modifications and entries must be made by then and submitted to be considered for review.

    Thank you, & Good Luck!

    • 2日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 2日前

    अंतिम नोट:

    बस एक दोस्ताना अनुस्मारक:

    मैं इस प्रतियोगिता को बंद कर रहा हूँ और पुरस्कार विजेता का चयन आज रात 8 बजे से 10:30 बजे के बीच कर रहा हूँ,
    (GMT+5:30) भारतीय मानक समय। आपका समय। सभी संशोधन और प्रविष्टियाँ तब तक जमा होनी चाहिए और समीक्षा के लिए विचार करने के लिए प्रस्तुत की जानी चाहिए। धन्यवाद!

    • 2日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 3日前

    Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. :)

    I am very sorry but I feel like some of you are just not able to understand my English no matter how many times and in different ways I try to explain a revision to you. Some of you are still just not able to get it.

    I hope you understand that I am getting too tired and need to finish the project soon. Threrefore, if I have been leaving you comments yesterday and now I suddenly stop? Please don't be offended. It is only that I don't have time to keep trying to explain the tasks.

    I feel bad because some of you are sooo very talented, but we can't communicate. Maybe if you try to practice using some kind of translation app? Next time will be easier and it will help you to be clearer and understand what the modifications actually are, if you don't know much English.

    Thanks so much and good luck!!

    • 3日前
  • shikharkharwar
    • 4日前

    Please check my entry with #86

    • 4日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 4日前

    I just added a little prize upgrade and a time extension. But I would love to see this project fished by tomorrow! :)

    • 4日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 4日前

    I will be gone for the next two or three hours, but I will be back live in here around 12 PM my time (Eastern Standard) to see how you are making out with the last modifications you might have not completed yesterday.

    • 4日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 4日前

    Hi guys, #6 has balanced the placement of the woman and her text correct! See how the woman's hair does not reach up too close to the top of the frame? The alignment of the quote is centered well on the page, too for where it will look best.

    • 4日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Last note for tonight, folks, or rather, good morning! It is now 1:30 AM for me.

    So, I guess we won't be finishing up with this right now; I'm too tired and besides I am also happy to wait for some of you who have asked for more time. I will check back with you at some point tomorrow and see how everyone is doing. Good luck, and thanks for making things beautiful!

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Hello @minalgunthewar ! I just wanted you to know that I really love what you have done so far!! And I wanted to acknowledge seeing your comment that you left me here 18 mins ago.

    Of course, I will wait for you, no worries!!

    IF you need extra time it's much better to let me know like this. Otherwise I think everyone is close to completion or has moved on if I don't hear from them. Thanks hon, you're doing great :)

    • 5日前
    1. minalgunthewar
      • 5日前

      Thank You very much for Your appreciation, I will provide my best.

      • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Any questions? Shout out to me here! :))

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    For those of you following along tonight... who have the woman's gloved hand in the frame like I wanted it to stay. I noticed it looked a bit odd now as her gloved fingers reached to touch nothing. Here is what the ruby flower needs: Go to entry #59 and read the single blue bubble note on the image. See the teardrop diamond they added to her diamond necklace? Okay, well, nice creative idea, but let's just take that and put it where we needed it.

    If you made the brooch modification right? You may see that it now looks like the fingers need to make subtle contact with a missing object. This is where the ugly diamond circular thing that I had you remove was. What will look great in its place is a small string of round or square diamonds hanging down. Small, not huge. Your diamonds should be smaller or the same size as those around her neck. Then, place one slightly larger teardrop diamond at the bottom of this string to complete the look; she's only slightly touching it.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    #63 is almost perfect though for the placement of the woman in the frame!!! And I really appreciate how they kept the original square shape of the image I gave you. She could be a bit bigger.

    Lots of you went ahead unasked to change the size of the frame and placement of things inside it. Sometimes, it was okay, but mostly these changes were bad. There is still time left here for someone to sweep in, tick all the boxes, and take the prize if they are paying attention. So, as said, although #57 is best overall for all of the reasons you have been reading about... the hair is touching the top of the frame. That is not acceptable. His woman is the best for hairstyle so far. However, she will need to be sized to fit the frame better; I would love to see her with Hamu's #57 hairstyle with its new modifications after they are done, but with her body size and accompanying text well-balanced to fit the SQUARE frame, the way #63 has kept her in balance correctly but she can be a *bit bigger.

    • 5日前
    1. RiverFaye333
      • 5日前

      Also, keep in mind that #63 is missing her arms and fingers! They should be back in the picture too.

      No, nope, STOP with the changes to her body or dress, people, please

      • 5日前
    2. minalgunthewar
      • 5日前

      Hello Mam I have just read your comment, please Wait for my turn I am working on all Your recommendation , Thank You.

      • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Hey, I think i forgot to mention the earrings again. No no, some of you have changed them completely to different earrings! Either leave my contest now or stop doing that. We want the same exact earrings she has on in the photo you were provided. There is a mention of who did this right and made her earrings pop supreme in the notes I left you here 18 hours ago.

    But, sincerely, if you get these earrings wrong, you don't have even the teensiest shot at winning this. She wants both of her earrings on her head and she doesn't want you to change them. only to make them pop! :)

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Okay guys, I'm gonna take a break here now and let you all catch up with reading the new notes I posted here during the last hour or two. For today's modifications that are still missing... you can find what you need to fix in this comments thread, and I will come back in a while to see how everyone is doing.

    Thanks so much!!! Good luck!!

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Okay guys here is someone I overlooked, sorry! #63 made a good effort. I don't like how the woman's dress and background are all synced to same shade.

    BUT, I love the rubies clarity in this brooch! For the brooch in this entry, we are only talking about the shape, clarity, and color of the individual rubies in the brooch. Are you writing this down? hee hee. Don't make two brooches for me like they did. Again, please do not change the design's size; it is too risky. Make your rubies look as good as the ones in #63. But scale them so they are going to fit the space provided for them like in the original image. Know what I mean? You're brooch should not be bigger than the original brooch. Take a look at entry #57. Brooch is the right size and placement on her dress. But his rubies are just not quite as pretty is all. Further, I don't want to see the wide spaces between rubies that #63 has created. I want the rubies of the brooch touching, coming into contact with each other.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    BEST hair color and smoothness still goes to #54. The texture is good. It maybe could be slightly more defined... However, i appreciate that the honey gold blond color is exactly as asked for and there aren't a lot of flyaway hairs of different colors sticking out to distract from the flow of the image.

    So, actually, I am going to start naming exact corrections here as well. Otherwise it may be too confusing for you guys to try and look everywhere else to get the latest updates.

    But, taking the time to go to the entries mentioned and see what they did awesomely is still an excellent idea.

    • 5日前
    1. RiverFaye333
      • 5日前

      Also, it's vital to remember that I am only referencing specific aspects of these individual works. Like, don't copy the hairstyle of #54. It's only the color and texture of this example here that I like.

      For the *style* of the hair you need to refer to my notations inside the blue bubbles on entry #57. That entry as said is still reigning for Best overall hair style. But there are revisions mentioned there that it still needs to have changed a little. It's too complicated to explain the details for you here. You'll have to go read them on the image itself for clarity.

      • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    BEST lipstick for color and shine is #38! Careful though, don't imitate the shape of those lips. They aren't the same shape as Za Za's lips. Just use this submission as a reference for the lipstick color and luminosity only.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Best overall render? Still Hamu charges out to hold the front line down with his entries like #57 and #55!!! Woo-hoo, Go, Hamu! What I love about this artist is his dedication to perfection! He has made almost every modification i have asked for correctly. What still needs doing that he missed? I'm not giving you that piece here. Tonight you'll have to do your own homework and go take a look at his work to read the blue bubble comments and see if you've got what it takes to compete before we close this contest out.

    To be fair, that is what he has done with your entries too if I liked them. Don't be upset. This is a cooperative environment where everyone has the same exact opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Many of you do something or some part of this project very well but miss other design aspects. Participating in the way Freelancer has laid out these contests for us gives everyone an equal chance to succeed.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Again, because lots of you have tried to change stuff in the image... Understand that doing so is hazardous behavior at the best of times and attempting it at this late date will certainly make you lose. There are very few exceptions for when changing things does not cancel an applicant.

    I.E.: #37 changed my font. I loved it! That's a super rare occurrence though. And we're staying with everything else the way it is as far as how I have asked for it.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Where to start tonight? There are so many wonderful adjustments I am seeing!!!

    Okay, so #45 and #43 are still at the top of the heap for best faces!! However, these two entries are not identical faces.

    #45 is perhaps a little bit ahead of #43 but that's only because it has prettier eyes. See the mesmerizing colored eyes? Neat. They are cool! Nice touch with this artist.

    Now, remember, changing anything about the original image provided for you or adding anything extra that you think would look good in the picture is highly unadvised. This is NOT a contest where I want people running off with thier own design ideas and adding lib. No no. Sorry. I *do want people to follow the instructions exactly as I have given them. It is risky for you to change anything at all that was not asked for specifically. Especially at this point when we're close to completion. Typically, when people change anything, I ignore them and cancel or reject thier entry at first glance.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Also, I do thank all of you for your sincere efforts. But if you can't read English well and you're guessing and just designing your way however you feel? And if you are unwilling to put in the effort to use a translate app and actually try to understand the asks of this contest? You can leave now.

    I don't want anyone to waste any more of thier precious time ,or mine, or that of the other contestants here that are seriously trying to do what I have asked for in the instructions provided. It's not fair to anyone else if you keep taking up space, and distracting us. And its especially not fair to you either because you're not learning or improving that way if you're just shooting out random material that has nothing to do with the modifications requested.

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 5日前

    Hi everybody! It is now about 9:35 PM on Friday night, my time. ET (Eastern Standard Time Zone)

    Are you a fast editor who can make corrections quickly? If so, we can wrap this up within the next three hours, please!!

    Then, keep checking back in here frequently during the next 3 hours... Right here. In this central section of the contest comments. I am very sorry, but we are close to the end of our time, so I can't be messaging anyone a lot with the blue dot notations on thier individual submissions much more. And don't be discouraged if you haven't received a private message from me. No one has!

    I am doing it differently for this contest. Because sometimes I find when I start to DM contestants, they get too comfortable, they can believe they have won already, and then they stop working. Again, sorry, I don't have the time for all that messaging around with different contestants.

    But with limited time left on this contest, I will be live here with you tonight!!

    • 5日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 6日前

    Hi everyone! Wow, I'm seeing some beautiful entries today. Thank you so much, everybody, for your efforts! I am sorry, but leaving individual messages and comments is too tiring. Here is my feedback from here on in! 1) Best text font #37. But it's too high up on the page and needs to be aligned the way i did it in the original example provided.
    2) Best earrings and best ruby brooch on the woman's bodice also go to #37. Except, they forgot to remove and erase the white diamond circular thing that is attached to the red ruby flower brooch.
    3) Best background color; wow, that was tough. It's a tie between #45 and #48. Either of those will be fantastic!
    4) Best face render, definitely #45!!! And also a best background color.
    5) Best hair color and shine is #43. The hair is gleaming but not too bright. Last but not least..
    6) The best overall entry so far & the best hairstyle is entry #27, absolutely! They did great with the hairstyle and I commented that it has some minor flaws.

    • 6日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 6日前

    I will check here for new revisions in about 10 or 12 hours from now. (It is 6:06 AM ET here at the moment. But your screen should do the time conversion.) Maybe you will be ready then and will have already completed the right corrections? I can't wait to see what you do! Good Luck :)

    And PS, don't forget to check back here for comments from the contest holder.

    • 6日前
  • RiverFaye333
    • 1週間前

    Hi Muhammad,
    I thank you for the desire to participate but you haven't read through the material I provided. Or, you didn't understand my modification requests?

    So, I want to use the first image that I sent. The one with the lady in the pink dress with a quote on her right. Its an image of Za Za Gabor with a quote.

    I don't want to use a different image of another person. I only want to have some modifications applied to that one is all.

    • 1週間前
    1. minalgunthewar
      • 6日前

      Can You please check #49 ?

      • 6日前
  • tasnimruhi05
    • 1週間前

    Please check #32, please let me know if you need any corrections

    • 1週間前
  • Itsproloy
    • 1週間前

    Hi, check #24 !

    • 1週間前
  • mailmaheshkm
    • 1週間前

    Hi ls check #21 #23

    • 1週間前
  • MTTech31
    • 1週間前

    Dear Contest Holders,

    With 5 years of experience in this field, I am confident in my ability to deliver outstanding results tailored to your needs. To ensure we’re perfectly aligned before starting, I’d love to discuss the project details with you. Please feel free to reach out to me via inbox.

    I look forward to collaborating with you and bringing your vision to life!

    Thank you,

    • 1週間前



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