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Danish M.



Data Entry/Data Processing/PDF to Excel/word

$10 USD / Hour
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India (10:12 PM)
Joined on September 27, 2018
$10 USD / Hour
I am Advertiser, Data Entry/Data Processing/PDF to Excel/PDF to Word and Handwritten to word/Excel Expert and Any kind of Copy Typing. # File renaming & Data Processing work can be done with 100% accuracy. who knows the value of time, very hard working and always delivers the work on time. My aim is to make my employer happy without asking for an extra cost. I will Also Advertise your Website or Product, and you can get a genuine traffic on your website I'm also an expert in Transcription. I always deliver all of my works on time and a hard working professional. My Services: 1. Advertising Website or Any Product 2. Data Entry. 3. Data Processing. 4. PDF to Excel. 5. PDF to Word. 6. Handwritten to word/Excel. 7. Any kind of Copy Typing. 8. File renaming & Data Processing work can be done with 100% accuracy. So feel free to contact me
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