I am a front-end developer (HTML5, CSS, JS), with a knowledge of server-side languages (C#, SQL)
$35 USD / Hour
United States (12:41 AM)
Joined on April 1, 2015
$35 USD / Hour
Ambitious problem solver with a passion for innovative web design and development. Firm understanding of business and technological practices and procedures. Able to work with CMS (WordPress, SquareSpace, etc).
Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JS - (JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular).
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Graphic Designer/Front-End Developer
Nov, 2009 - Present
15 years, 4 months
Nov, 2009 - Present
15 years, 4 months
• Graphic Design for web or print.
• Create functional, responsive websites; cross-browser compatibility.
• Proficient with JavaScript MVC frameworks (JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular)
• Firm understanding of modern development practices and technologies.
• Build wireframes and prototypes.
Nov, 2009 - Present
15 years, 4 months
DeVry University
2013 - 2015
2 years
Computer Information Systems
United States
2013 - 2015
2 years
Shaping up with Angular
Code School
Completed leves 1-5 in Code School's Angular JS course.
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