Python + Selenium
Python + BS + Requests.
OCR with Tesseract, EMGUCV, Open CV.
Data Entry.
Internet research.
Jan, 2014 - Present
11 years, 2 months
Data Analyst
Aug, 2008 - Present
16 years, 7 months
TSFTprogramación - Ministerio de EPSF.
Aug, 2008 - Present
16 years, 7 months
Qualitiative and Quantitave research.
QlikView, Power BI, RapidMiner, Pentaho BI.
Excel, OO Calc, Research operations.
SQL, NoSQL, Python, R, Rstudio.
Statistics fro Business and Economics.
Technical and Scientific text translation Spanish-English language pair.
Project Management.
Scraping, Crawling with Python.
Python+Selenium automation.
Aug, 2008 - Present
16 years, 7 months
Apr, 1992 - Dec, 2012
20 years, 8 months
Apr, 1992 - Dec, 2012
20 years, 8 months
I have started as freelancer and therefore worked remote since a 2009. I have worked SAAS, IAAS, PAAS. I work frequently with online tools for collaboration , production and testing.
I have started programming with with RAD on Clarion, Access, SQL Server and Cobol for proprietary business systems. Then I followed with MS Office VBA, .NET, LAMP in late 90s, there my first experience with HTML and javascript as well as scripting and Linux.
Apr, 1992 - Dec, 2012
20 years, 8 months
Attended studies in Spanish<>English Translation (Technical-Scientific and Literary)
2001 - 2004
3 years
2001 - 2004
3 years
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
1998 - 2000
2 years
Universitary Technician in Programming
1998 - 2000
2 years
Data Scientist Toolbox
Cursera - John Hopkins University
Testing toolbox for a data scientist: R, markup, Github, Statistic and Data Science's knowledge roadmap.
Project Management, Quality on Service, Trainer
Chamber of Commerce of Argentine
Course on PM.
Course on QA.
Course on Trainer.
Técnico Superior en Programación - Universitary Technician in Programming
Universidad Tecnologica Nacional
A degree course career that include analysis, design, deployment and control of computer application.
Updated knowledge includes SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, , UML, OOP; MVC,
Crystal Reports, SUN Report Engine.
Requirement engineering.
Software engineering.
Web development.
Cloud development.
Several articles and a few books on poetry.
Blogs in IT and literature. Programming, science theory, databases, programming languages.
Spanish to English Translation
US English
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