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Omar S.
Web developer and designer
$15 USD / Hour
Palestinian Territory (1:53 AM)
Joined on November 2, 2022
$15 USD / Hour
A creative web designer and developer and an expert in the world of programming specializing in the front-end, fully aware of the latest jobs and keeping pace with the development of science about books, I work on self-development constantly to serve your needs.
Full experience in all aspects of web programming from front-end design and data analysis to programming using the Larville work environment.
You will always find me accurate, expert, professional and innovative, so I assure you that you will be more than satisfied after receiving my work.
Before I started freelancing on an independent platform as a designer and web developer, I worked in several companies in different fields, for example, I worked in Al Hams Company (HTC) for Information Technology as a front-end designer for at least 3 years, and then I moved to work with Atyaf Company To work in the backends and I also worked as a data analyst at Ora Programming Company, and I am currently working as a web programmer in a chain company for IT solutions.
My programming skills:
◄ Bootstrap
◄ ( Responsive Design (Media Query - Grid - Flex box
◄ GSAP - Scroll Magic - Parallax
◄ JavaScript - jQuery
◄ PHP Laravel
◄ Data Analysis
◄ Data base
◄ Java
My professional services that can be used:
► Design and programming websites with high professionalism.
► Repair and modify all software problems related to websites.
► I start with you from XD, then the Front End, all the way to the Back End.
► Receive a copy of the website.
I am here to help you achieve your goals and solve your tasks using the best of my knowledge, capabilities and practical experience in web programming, to start together a new success story, contact me.
The main reasons to hire me:
* 6 years of experience in web design and development.
* I am working on a complete analysis of the site's requirements before starting implementation.
I have a positive outlook and love to help others.
*100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Always adhere to the agreed project deadlines.