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    2,000 cara menulis artikel yang menarik jobs found

    ¡Hola comunidad! Aviru Trail es una serie de carreras pedestres en entornos de naturaleza. Estamos organizando nuestros eventos de cara a 2024. En esta fase estamos trabajando en las medallas para cada evento. Nosotros, inspirados en este tipo de medallas: son otros ejemplos de medallas con movimiento. es el logo del evento. Quisiéramos 5 modelos distintos con las siguientes temáticas: Fauna y flora del Paraguay - Tucán: Color, alegría y fiesta en nuestros eventos. - Yaguareté: Foco en un objetivo, audaz. - Murucuyá: Pasionaria, lo que hacemos lo hacemos porque nos gusta. - Colibrí: Puede retroceder durante el vuelo y ajustar su dirección para adaptarse a

    $250 Average bid
    Featured Guaranteed Top Contest NDA
    64 entries

    ...menceritakan cerita yang ada di Manhwa, Manga, atau Donghua sebagai cerita dari orang ke 3 referensi channel : @ referensi / contoh output video : Target audience : orang indonesia yang suka mendengar / membaca cerita Detil proyek: - Harus menarik - Ceritanya harus mengalir tapi tidak terlalu bertele-tele Source : 1) Tolong dibuatkan script untuk chapter 1 - chapter 20 dalam bahasa indonesia anak muda sehari" - jika cocok, bisa lanjut chapter selanjutnya 2) Tolong tulis ulang kata" ini menggunakan gaya bahasa yang lebih anak muda "Manhwa Solo Max-Level Newbie yang dibuat oleh

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bid
    57 bids

    I'm in need of a cr...both text and imagery: KEEP the Chinese dragon symbolic moving circle, you can play around it, and integrate the name "The Cultural Programs" highlighting the alphabets - “T”, “C” and “P” of these words in side or around the circle. - No need to put TCP Growth or the tagline. The logo must show the words “The Cultural Programs”. - The feel is round / circle / movements / east meets west / yin yang - Used for website, presentation decks on screen most of the time and business cards. Clean and clear. - Willing to revise based on my feedback Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design skills - Strong portfolio proving previous logo design work - Proficient in design software (Adobe Suite) - A k...

    $50 Average bid
    252 entries

    Improve my logo by getting inspiration from the YIN YANG GRAPHIC file that I attached. You can use your creativity but remember that the idea is to create a yin and yang logo with roots growing into the logo. The name of the organization is LVOLUTION COMMUNITY. I will need the final file in .eps

    $37 Average bid
    182 entries

    We have just installed the push notification application on a VPS with CentOS OS, using the application below: I have tried setting it up for testing on a WordPress-based website as follows: fungsi web push technology menggunakan nodejs dan php multi thread bisa berjalan dengan baik, opsi nya sudah tersedia (tidak perlu coding lagi) bisa di liat pada screenshot ini: Seharusnya dalam project ini tidak perlu banyak coding karena applikasi sudah jadi, yang di perlukan adalah troubleshoot dan coding yang sifat nya perbaikan bug (jika ada bug nya). Jika kurang jelas bisa langsung di tanyakan. Terima kasih sudah membaca dan di tunggu penawaran yang terbaik.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    Pembuatan backend sistem untuk web dengan Laravel Budget: Rp 1,200,000 - 1,700,000 Project Owner: XiangHua (Rated 9.85/10.00 from 40 projects) Bid Deadline: 18/01/2024 14:18:44 WIB Estimated Duration: 30 days Halo, Saya sedang butuh backend developer untuk bantu develop bbrp fitur. Scope: 1. Framework menggunakan Laravel 10, bisa repository dan service pattern  2. Menggunakan git, kolaborasi sma orng frontend  3. Bug fixing selama testing 4. Project dinyatakan selesai jika flow sudah sesuai dan tidak ada bugs 5. Scope project ini meliputi order, invoice, loan, payroll, dan reporting. Design cek disini #laravelframework

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    39 bids

    ... while some are two pages - Some invoice-formats are identical to each other [because they are from the same seller] - I have attached a sample with 6 pages to give you an idea about the different formats within the main file - Only certain part of an invoice are needed - i) the invoice number [you will notice it is called Factuurnummer or Factuurnmr or some similar word], ii) Article Number [Artikel or Artikelnummer or Artikelnr or some similar sounding word], iii) the name of the item [Omschrijving or a simialr word - basically the main center /wide column which gives the name of the item being purchased], iv) number of units [mostly called Aantal], v) price per unit [stuksprijs], vi) taxes [BWT, VAT etc etc], vii) total price for each item, viii) total taxes at the bottom of t...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bid
    40 bids
    Trophy icon SM logo, and character

    Necesito un logo para un proyecto basado en los cambios estacionales (invierno, otoño, verano, primavera) Se trata de una comunidad comprometida con la creación de un estilo de vida para facilitar la adaptación estacional. Nombre del proyecto: The seasonal movement El eslogan de la marca: Unlocking the Power of Seasonal Harmony Elementos a tomar en cuenta: EL yin y yang. El círculo o cualquier elemento que represente equilibrio y armonía El ganador de concurso deberá entregarme: 1. El archivo original de ilustrador (con todas sus capas) 2. Manual del logo. El color blancoy negro son en mayoria para lineas y background, el rojo es color secundario para diseno y el color verde para detalles de llamar la atencion (ejemplo: Click here) ...

    $25 Average bid
    269 entries
    Trophy icon Video editing

    ...television) Here's more information on James, 16 year old magician and juggler. At age 5, James was juggling 3 balls, and at age 8, juggling 5 balls. By age 10, he was juggling 3 flaming torches and picking pockets. By age 12, James' credits included appearing on ABC7 News, Kids Say the Darndest Things, Access Daily with Penn & Teller and most recently the Netflix feature 'ME TIME' starring Jimmy O. Yang, Kevin Hart & Mark Wahlberg. To learn more, check out: and Be sure to use the images in the attached files. (for the beginning of the video, make sure you use videos of him being older!) Also, feel free to take pictures and videos from his Instagram page. Do not place working on your project posts or placeholder

    $100 Average bid
    24 entries

    I am looking for a voice actress that can impersonate Cara Delevingne. Requirements: - Experience in character voiceover work - Ability to take guidance and direction for the project - Strong vocal skills to portray various characters and emotions Project Details: - The voiceover needed is for a duration of 1-5 minutes - While I do not have a specific script, I can provide guidance and details on the characters and their roles - The voice actor will be responsible for bringing the characters to life and delivering the lines with the appropriate emotions and expressions If you have experience in character voiceover work and are able to provide guidance based on my vision for the project, I would love to hear from you. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $302 Average bid
    $302 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I am looking for an illustrator to create illustrations for a children's story. The style of illustrations I am...portada, (puede aparecer con los dos niños por detrás). Pongo alguno ejemplos de portada pero son muuuuuy mejorables. en este pdf verá la imagenes que hay creadas y las que faltan por crear o retocar con el personaje de “olentzero” que es el que no está bien creado. OLENTERO, personaje mitologido del país vasco (el “papa noel” de euskadi). Es un hombre que vive en el monte, con traje de aldeano, la cara manchada de carbón, una boina negra, un saco al hombro, un palo y una pipa. Tengo más información y las imágenes utilizadas y de referencia. No me deja adjuntarlo por aquí ...

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Avg Bid
    54 bids

    ...WhatsApp groups - Theme: Chinese Medicine and Nutrition What We're Looking For: We want a logo that captures the essence of Chinese Dietotherapy and its fusion with culinary arts. Imagine a design that harmonizes iconic elements of Chinese Medicine, such as Yin and Yang, with suggestive images of healthy and balanced foods. Tips and Inspirations: - Use colors that convey tranquility, health, and balance. Purple and green are already used by our company, so try to stick with variations of this combination. - Symbolic elements like yin-yang, five-elements wheel can add an authentic touch. - Ensure that the logo is easily identifiable even in small sizes, such as WhatsApp group thumbnails. Evaluation Criteria: - Originality and creativity - Relevance to the theme o...

    $25 Average bid
    193 entries

    I am looking for a highly skilled graphic designer with expertise in photography and video editing. I am starting a new enterprise and need assistance in creating engaging content for my Instagram Reels, as well as videos for Tiktok and other platforms. The ideal candidate should be based in Jakarta. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in graphic design, photography, and video editing - Strong knowledge of Instagram Reels and Tiktok video creation - Ability to create visually appealing and attention-grabbing content - Experience in content creation for social media platforms - Good communication skills and ability to understand and execute client requirements Project details: - The project is for starting a new enterprise - The specific type of content needed is Instagram Reels...

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Avg Bid
    11 bids

    Saya mempunyai website SMM & PPOB, saya butuh programmer yang paham codeigniter dan progresif web app, web saya ada masalah di payment gateway (duitku), masalah deposit via push notification, dan masalah pada pwa setelah web saya dialihkan ke cloudflare.

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I am looking for a skilled web designer to give my website a refreshing new design (). I have specific designs in mind that I would like the designer to imitate. I also have a color scheme that I would like to be followed, but no specific brand guidelines. The ideal candidate should have experience in web design and be proficient in using Webflow. The main requirements for this project include: - Refreshing the design of the website - Implementing the specific designs provided by me - Optimizing the website for mobile devices - Following the color scheme provided by me - Adhering to best practices in web design and user experience If you have experience in Webflow and a strong design portfolio, please submit your proposal.

    $601 Average bid
    $601 Avg Bid
    84 bids

    Saya membutuhkan partner untuk mengerjakan proyek pengembangan giro multikurs. Partner tersebut setidaknya memiliki background pekerjaan di pengembangan produk beserta pemahaman mengenai finance atau perbankan. Hal-hal yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan proyek ini: Identify the research objective Conduct background research Formulate research questions Determine the research design Plan data collection Collect data Analyze the data Interpret and present findings SWOT Analysis B/C Ratio (Finance) Draw conclusions and make recommendations Riset ini memiliki batasan pengembangan di Industri Perbankan Indonesia.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    - data entry - microsoft excel - microsoft word - copy and past - artikel - excel sheet typing

    $390 Average bid
    $390 Avg Bid
    147 bids

    I am looking for a writer who can write multiple articles in Bahasa Indonesia about Indonesia. The ideal candidate should have experience in travel, technology, and food and beverage topics. Requirements: - Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia - Knowledgeable about Indonesia and its culture - Able to write engaging and informative articles - Experience in writing for travel, technology, and food and beverage topics - Ability to deliver high-quality articles within the given timeframe If you are passionate about writing and have the necessary skills and experience, please apply with samples of your previous work in Bahasa Indonesia.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    104 bids

    Despacho de Abogados busca desarrollador en el Entorno de Office 365 para desarrollo de soluciones empresariales mediante el uso de Sharepoint, PowerApps y Power Automate, de cara a automatizar los principales procesos de la Empresa (CRM, Gestión Documental, Uso de Plantillas, Comunicación con el Cliente). Buscamos personas de habla hispana y con contrastada experiencia en el desarrollo de este tipo de soluciones. Proyecto de largo plazo, se necesita a alguien con plena disponibilidad e incorporación inmediata.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    25 bids

    Dibutuhkan seorang freelancer yang dapat membantu untuk mengedit video reels untuk kebutuhan marketing buku puisi. Kebutuhan: Membuat subtitle, (transkrip tersedia) motion text or grafis untuk opening video (Logo Tersedia) add backsound mixing noise reduction dan editing dari A roll dan B roll footage Untuk sebatas referensi silahkan merujuk pada video berikut ini:

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Avg Bid
    33 bids on the walls will not be affected. For the walls, the customer can choose paint from a catalog and apply it. Finally, they can choose crown molding or a color for the ceiling. All of these operations can be performed without changing or affecting the placement of any items in the house. For parquet flooring, you can refer to this site as an example: . The preferred programming language for this project is Python. Experience using OpenCV is a must. Having prior experience in a similar project is mandatory. This project consists of two phases, and this is the first phase. It is planned to continue with the same individual for the subsequent phases. It is essential that the changes are made accurately

    $497 Average bid
    $497 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    Hello, hope you are doing great, I am Kaveh Kazari, senior computer software expert and manager of 2KCR developer company with more than 100 full stack experts. ⭕️Our team has 15 years of programming experience and we have recently entered freelance sites. For this reason, we will complete all our services with a ✅50% discount✅ compared to the rest of the bids. We want to improve our profile on this site, and your opinion is very important to us after completing the project, so you can rest assured about the quality of the work. . Examples of our team's work: . ⭕️Full exclusive(frant & back) . ⭕️Exclusive WordPress theme: . ⭕️WordPress ready template: . From zero to one hundred, all sites have been done by our team We will execute your projects in the sh...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Saya mencari Pengembang Full Stack yang berbasis di Medan, Indonesia untuk mengerjakan proyek saya. Kandidat yang ideal harus memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman berikut: Tech Stack yang dapat saya gunakan: · HTML · CSS · Javascript · Jquery · Bootstrap · Tailwind · React JS · Next JS · Typescript · Vue JS · Nuxt Js 2/3 · Laravel 7,8,9,10 · Codeigniter 3 & 4 · MongoDB · MySQL · Node JS Linimasa: - Proyek harus selesai dalam waktu kurang dari 1 bulan. Jika Anda seorang Pengembang Full Stack yang terampil dengan pengalaman dalam bahasa pemrograman yang diperlukan dan dapat memberikan fitur yang diminta dalam jangka waktu yang...

    $486 Average bid
    $486 Avg Bid
    36 bids

    Syarat worker skill video editing Tentang project 1. membuat bibir yang bergerak menjadi diam yg ada di video ini 2. dan juga layar belakang dibuat green screen di filmora dan sekali klik green screen berubah tanpa perlu mengatur2 dimensi video yg di input Syarat hasil jadi desain editan mulus 99% file mp4 ukuran video widescreen kualitas video bagus please send bukti draft hasil video yg dikerjakan yg ada di google drive deskripsi project untuk membuktikan bisa mengerjakan tugas ini standard hasil video bisa dilihat link dibawah ini before after

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    Create blog articles, website advertising media Create blog articles, website advertising media

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    31 bids
    Trophy icon Instagram Reel

    Crear un video de máximo de 60 segundos para Instagram Reel, eliminar silencios y que sea dinámico, que muestre mi webcam solamente los primeros segundos, luego cuando vaya explicando que se vea mi cara y lo que hay en Excel. Poner subtitulos. Tipo de letra El tipo de letra que sea Roboto delgada y el color principal es #761C96 Aquí se puede descargar el video

    $10 Average bid
    8 entries

    Personal Article on Sepak bola (800-1000 words) I am looking for a skilled writer who can create a well-researched and engaging article on the topic of Sepak bola. The article should be between 800-1000 words and cater to a personal audience. Skills and Experience: - Excellent writing skills and the ability to create interesting and informative content - Knowledge of Sepak bola and its various aspects such as history, rules, famous players, and current trends - Experience in writing articles on sports topics, preferably Sepak bola - Ability to conduct thorough research to gather relevant information and statistics - Creativity in presenting the information in a captivating and engaging manner - Strong attention to detail and adherence to deadlines If you have a passion for Sepak bola a...

    $906 Average bid
    $906 Avg Bid
    46 bids

    I need a logo design, in the middle should be the yin yang sign in gold but not shiny. than aroudn that a bit space adn afterwards a mandala, a light madnala finishing for a circle shape. the mandala should be in different types of beige , light brown. PLease do't pay attention to the logo colours attached, just to the design more or less. underneath the name, Yin Yang Flow

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Avg Bid
    78 bids

    Hi Usama A., as we discussed in our chat please write a article/paper about the expactations of a working mother in fluent scientific german. The outline and details you will find in our previous chat. Thank you in advance!

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    I am looking for a freelancer to help me build a business that guarantees a sustainable future. This project is for personal use and I am planning to start a service-based business. My primary goal is to provide a unique service that sets my business apart from existing services in the industry. Skills and experience needed: - Experience in developing and launching service-based businesses - Knowledge of market trends and customer preferences in the industry - Ability to identify and create a unique service offering - Strong marketing and branding skills to promote the business and attract customers - Excellent communication and customer service skills to ensure customer satisfaction - Business management skills to effectively run and grow the business

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Avg Bid
    17 bids

    ...looking for a realistic style or fantasy for this project. The art should be large in size, measuring 36X48 inches. Details: --> Art Inspiration - recreate similar (Image Weight 2.0) --> Character Images attached (Image Weight 2.0 - character resemblance is a must!) --> Colours - Blues, Greens, Blush (rose) --> Both characters have dark hair. --> Background (two dolphins playing - representing yin/yang) --> Him: *****hazel/green eyes, ****(slightly) bigger biceps ***- thicker body frame --> Her: *****Reel coffee-brown eyes, **** Ganesh forehead jewel with GREEN GEM stone for eyes. *** Ankh tattoo on inner biceps Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in digital art creation - Strong ability to create realistic artwork - Experience in creating la...

    $43 Average bid
    17 entries

    Estamos buscando un diseño para imprimir unas tarjetas en formato DIN A6 qu...un diseño para imprimir unas tarjetas en formato DIN A6 que adjuntemos con nuestros pedidos, para que los clientes nos valoren en Google My Business a nuestra empresa ADDITIUM 3D y dejen una reseña, a poder ser con fotografías. Los que lo hagan serán recompensados con un 15% de descuento en su próximo pedido. Por un lado queremos que salga nuestro LOGO, el cual adjunto al concurso, y por la otra cara, un texto explicativo de lo que deben hacer los que reciban la tarjeta, el descuento que recibirán, y un QR que lleve a esta dirección: Dejamos un ejemplo de tarjeta que hemos visto y nos ha gustado, algo similar queremos. Cualquier cosa extra que ne...

    $31 Average bid
    40 entries

    Hello! I would like the attached Yin Yang image re-drawn to make a NEW original. PLEASE NOTE, DRAWING SHOULD BE NEW! NOT A RETRACE OF MY ATTACHMENT. It would like the same exact concept of - Hearts on one side, with a spiral as the dot - Spirals on the otherside, with a heart as the dot It should represent a regular yin yang. You are welcome to add your own little bit of flair and flavor to it, but it should not be too much extra or different.

    $10 Average bid
    40 entries, I want him looking to the left, he can be looking a little towards us to give him more a 3D effect, then at or below his waist will be his Katana, which he will have quarter to half way drawn out. Right under the katana will be a bonsai tree and the bonsai tree will be in black-and-white so do not worry about the colour of the bonsai tree, I want a moon with realistic details, and a light yang. Yang symbol engraved on it, since I realize the drawing you see there in the middle could be adding to much and is a bit to fantasy like, ( but if you think you can draw it or make it better go for it), I will adding that to a different tattoo if it doesn’t work so don’t worry. On the left side of the Moon, I want a horned owl about to land on a tree trunk with hi...

    $36 Average bid
    29 entries

    I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a Cute Bear Logo for my project. The logo should be visually appealing and capture the essence of a cute bear. Specific design requirements: - The bear should have a friendly and approachable appearance - The logo should include the text "Julyani Yang" in a clear and legible font Preferred color scheme: - Brown red Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator - Experience in creating unique and eye-catching logos - Ability to work with specific design requirements and incorporate them into the final design

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Avg Bid
    68 bids

    Hi Yang D., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Estamos buscando habla...Español de España. Ofrecemos la oportunidad de participar en nuestro proyecto de desarrollo de IA (proyecto WIND). Tarea: Realizar una grabación de audio con el propio teléfono móvil (entrenamiento IA) consiste en: - 1 min: presentación - 7 min: Hablar libremente sobre un tema que será proporcionado. -9 min: Leer frases proporcionadas por la empresa. Requisitos: - Hablar y comprender inglés (de cara a comunicarse con la empresa contratante) - Ser de Canarias, Extremadura, Murcia, Aragón o País Vasco. Pincha en el link para ver la oferta de trabajo e inscribirte: Solo hay que rellenar el formulario y la empresa se pondrá en contacto con vosotros en un plazo de 48h aprox.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    ...jenis user yang memiliki fungsi berbeda-beda pada saat login, user memilih jenis nya masing2. terdapat jenis user yaitu planner, warehouse, purchasing dan grup leader dengan fungsi: Planner 1. Planner input no werehouse request, No Unit, Target Ready Sparepart (service 1, service 2) #formalitas 2. Planner dapat monitoring item yg pernah diinput apakah sudah ready dan data serah terima. Werehouse 1. Inputan cuma No Warehouse Requestion, No Unit, Stock Code, Quantity 2. Tampilan Dashboard Werehouse berupa tabel (Aksi(Ready, atau nunggu estimasi yg diberikan oleh purchasing), No Warehouse Requestion, Stock Code, Quantity, Status(Selesai,Proses, 3 Hari jika barang sudah ready tapi belum diambil, Input foto serah terima)). Purchasing 1. No Werehouse requestion, No Unit 2. Item ...

    $233 Average bid
    $233 Avg Bid
    18 bids

    We're pleased to announce the extension of Serena Yang's project with Produce Depot. Serena's exemplary work and her ability to consistently meet our project's high standards have led us to extend her involvement. ...expertise have significantly contributed to the success of our project with Produce Depot. Her skill in capturing the essence of the store's products is invaluable. We look forward to Serena's continued contributions during the upcoming phase of the project scheduled for 9/12 and 9/13. With Serena's experience and familiarity with the project, we anticipate a seamless continuation. Thank you, Serena Yang, for your valuable contributions, and we're confident in your ability to maintain the high-quality standards we've come t...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    ...places, education and learning, medical care and covid-19 ) - 5 menit PENTING‼️ - tidak ada dialeg saat conversation berlangsung or NO PAY - harap dilakukan di ruangan sepi, NO NOISE - Kedua pihak yang melakukan conversation ini harus menggunakan BAHASA INDONESIA dan DILARANG KERAS DICAMPUR DENGAN BAHASA SELAIN INDONESIA DAN BAHASA DAERAH‼️ - Isi percakapan bebas, TETAPI HARUS SESUAI DENGAN TOPIK...Tidak diizinkan untuk merekam nyanyian, lagu, membaca buku dan siaran langsung - dialog tidak boleh berisi kekerasan, pornografi, sensitif secara politik atau konten ilegal lainnya - Hindari ucapan yang tumpang tindih selama perekaman, bicaralah dengan jelas, bersikap serius, dan hindari pengucapan patologis ( gagap, bersuara aa hmm, aa hmm, suara serak, dll ) ?50k / hum...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bid
    13 bids

    ...jasa perusahaan. Mencari konsumen yang berpotensi kepada penjualan. Menghubungi konsumen lama dan baru untuk membicarakan kebutuhan konsumen. Menjelaskan fitur produk secara lengkap untuk mengatasi masalah konsumen. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang produk. Melakukan negosiasi harga, syarat dan menyiapkan perjanjian penjualan. Menjaga daftar kontak dan follow up / menindaklanjuti hubungan dengan konsumen. Kriteria Freelancer : Dapat menghandle Customer dengan Baik Mampu bekerja dengan baik secara Individu/Kelompok Memiliki kemampuan Komunikasi yang baik Mampu menangani Customer secara Online Money Oriented Kualifikasi : Umur 18 - 30 Tahun Fresh Graduated/Freelance Seeker are Welcome! Pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat Berpenampilan rapih dan menarik Memp...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bid
    2 bids

    I'm looking for an artist to create a sketch of a medieval shield I have a rough draft of. The shield drawing should feature a medieval design that incorporates an infinity symbol(in the form of a dragon), tied into a yen/yang symbol. The artist must have experience creating medieval shields drawings and the final product must be lined up with the approved design. This is a great opportunity for a talented medieval arts a a unique project and showcase their work. I'm looking forward to working with someone on this project!

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Avg Bid
    30 bids

    Para nuestra consultora y agencia de marketing digital especializada en estrategia (Mattering), queremos un rebranding (puede incluir o no rediseño de logo), pero el objetivo es que inspire lo siguiente: - Se perciba menos añinada y más profesional - Un poco más "cara", entendiendo que somos 100% profesionales (Google Partners, compartimos contenido súper actualizado, especifico y de valor, nos esforzamos por entregar un servicio de calidad al cliente, etc). Ppales servicios: paid media, social media, seo - - Me gustaría mantener el color violeta pero quizás en otros tonos / utilizar otras referencias visuales Pueden ver sitio y redes que hoy no tienen una imagen unificada- Asimismo adjunto presentacion de la empresa

    $60 Average bid
    Featured Guaranteed
    153 entries

    Job Description: Membalas komen dan chat social media Aktif berinteraksi di facebook komunitas Handling complain customer Membuat listing ideas dari audiences untuk dijadikan konten Monitor media sosial yang sudah ada seperti facebook, instagram, Tik Tok, Shopee, Toped dan marketplace lainnya. Membuat planning konten dan menentukan strategi marketing yang ingin digunakan, serta evaluasi kegiatan media sosial secara berkala Job Qualification: Pengalaman sebagai Admin Social Media minimal 1 tahun Berjiwa Kreatif Domisili Jabodetabek Bersedia membalas komen dan chat di atas jam kerja/weekend (diperbolehkan slow response) Pengalaman di bidang healthy lifestyle adalah nilai plus Aktif, Interaktif, dan Komunikatif Job Type: freelance Untuk Informasi lebih lengkap dapat menghubu...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    ...sprites que necesito son: 1. Con las manos en la cintura feliz. 2. Volando como súper heroe. 3. Cantando. 4. Tomando impulso para saltar. 5. Viendo con viniculares el espacio. 6. Vestido como Santa Claus. 7 Dienciendo hola en señas (la señal de los capitanes) 8. Vestido de viajero. 9. Vestido de playero. 10. Vestido de pintor y muy feliz. Los diferentes sprites deben ser con diferentes gestos en la cara, riendose, feliz, sorpresa, etc. Entregable PDF, PNG y en archivo editable de illustrator, con fondo transparente....

    $80 Average bid
    17 entries

    Necesito crear un logo con las fotos que dejo en los detalles para mi web. la cara del gorila con una corona encima con la marca debajo. La Marca que ira debajo de la imagen es GRINDERLAND

    $10 Average bid
    82 entries

    Cargo Auditor — Map Yang Phon Area / มาบยางพร I am in need of a cargo auditor to perform physical cargo inspections in the Map Yang Phon Area / มาบยางพร. Services Needed: - Physical cargo inspections Ideal Skills/Experience: - Familiarity with the Map Yang Phon Area / มาบยางพร - Attention to detail and accuracy in conducting inspections - Fluency of the local language is required. Additional Research: No Multiple Visits: No No previous experience required, training will be provided. You must have full availability all day on inspection date. The training session is 1 hour and will be scheduled for the day prior to the first task. Exact date will be confirmed before inspection [Estimated date is August 9]. This is a recurring task base...

    $70 Average bid
    Local Featured Urgent
    $70 Avg Bid
    1 bids

    Logo Design Requirements: We are seeking a logo that visually represents the essence of our podcast. The design should encompass elements of Taoist Alchemy, Internal martial arts, Chi Kung, meditation, Healing, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, powerful connection between mind...transformation - creative, simple and professional! I have included two images below of Rhyn in a standing Bagua pose, and Andrew in a seated alchmey pose. To be included in the design. Also 2 images that could be potentially modeled or work with to create our logo. Keywords and themes: bagua pose, meditation pose, 2 profiles of us, which chi chat episode it is, in the letters Australia, Cauldron, yin yang and bagua. We would like images to sized to fit the major platform also. Thank you...

    $196 Average bid
    $196 Avg Bid
    110 bids
    Trophy icon Logo para camiseta

    Cogiendo como punto de partida la imagen adjunta con el título "Campamento-K", hacer los siguientes cambios: - Cambiar "KAMP KRUSTY" por "CAMPAMENTO-K" - Cambiar la cara de Krusty por el cerdo de la imagen adjunta "Dibujo cerdito". - Mantener las dos flechas centrales que se cruzan pero sustituirlas por un cuchillo y un tenedor. - Cambiar los números 19-92 por 20-23 - Cambiar la tienda de campaña que aparece abajo por unos dibujos lo más minimalistas posibles que incluyan; una autocaravana, una barbacoa, una tabla de longboard de surf y un kayak (puedes coger como referencia los que aparecen en la imagen "Dibujo cerdito". - TIPOGRAFÍA: emplear cualquiera de las dos que aparecen en las imá...

    $65 Average bid
    215 entries