## BIO
O.S : MS Dos, Windows98/2000/Xp, Linux Languages : JAVA, C, C++, VB Embedded Systems:Programming using 8085,PIC Microcontroller Web : PHP, Mysql, XML, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver Animation/Art: Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Swish, Swift3D
## Area of Expertise
EXPERIENCE Ø Very good experience in PHP, Mysql, HTML/XHTML, XML,Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript. Ø Got experience of working over 50 projects Ø Responsible for developing multilingual Web sites and Web applications. Ø Designed and programmed an User Authentification system ,Newsletter Management system,Link Manager Software used on numerous high traffic sites. Ø Can work any type of Animations and Ad works