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Durga Prasana Kishore M.



Pentaho/Java Consultant

$30 USD / Hour
Flag of
India (11:35 AM)
Joined on July 8, 2012
$30 USD / Hour
Background: • Solutions focused, Meticulous and result-oriented [login to view URL](Computer Science) professional offering 13+ years of experience in Analysis, Design & Development of J2EE and Data warehouse Applications • Mule Certified developer (MCD Integration and API Associate) expertized in designing and building integrations API’s • Expertise in building Data warehouse applications using pentaho( Kettle, PRD,CDE,Saiku etc.) • Demonstrated excellence in tackling the issues of IT arena (Software ) and other related lines • Extended expertise in requirements gathering & designing architecture • Adept at working on data warehouse applications, Integration services, Web & Client-Server environments including Java Platform • Diligent, self motivated & motivator, committed, hard task master with excellent communication, presentation, interpersonal and problem solving skills Technology Skills: • Pentaho ETL and Reporting(Kettle,PRD,CDE,metada editor,cube designer, Saiku,PDE etc..) • Java,J2EE,ZKoss RIA Framework, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, SOAP and REST Web services, XML, XSL, XSQL • Hadoop Echosystem (HDFS ,Mapreduce ,Pig,Hive, Sqoop, Oozie and Flume),kafka,spark,scala,python • AWS cloud(S3,Cloudwatch,EMR,EC2,Lambda,Glue,Athena,Kinesis,Elastic search) • Mule ESB,Jboss Fuse,Apache Camel, HornetQ(JMS), HazelCast, Java,J2EE,ZKoss RIA Framework,Struts, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JPA, SOAP Web services, XML, XSL, XSQL Websphere,JBoss,tomcat,Glassfish,Apache HTTP Serve. • Ant,Maven
On time
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5.0 · 18 Reviews
Pentaho Cluster $125 USD
Kishore is a great developer, He's responsive, productive, knowledgeable, and personable. He even goes one step further to suggest improvements and optimizations. Excellent work - Fully recommended
Flag of
New York, United States
3 years ago
Excellent work, in time and budget
Laurent A.
Flag of
boulogne billancourt, France
4 years ago
Very efficient and fast work. Thanks.
Laurent A.
Flag of
boulogne billancourt, France
5 years ago
Expertise in Pentaho and Javascript as required. Fast and perfect job.
Laurent A.
Flag of
boulogne billancourt, France
5 years ago
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Kishore did a great job with this project. Thank you Kishore.
Open Source C.
Flag of
New York, United States
5 years ago
Java/Pentaho Consultant
Jan, 2012 - Present
12 years, 7 months
Freelancing Projects
Jan, 2012 - Present
12 years, 7 months
o Worked across multiple clients in building Spring boot, angular ,REST,SOAP, spark, kettle, PRD ,saiku dashboards, PME, integrating SSO,clustering and load balancing applications etc. o Building AWS application using S3,EMR,Spark,Python,Scala,Kinesis,Kafka,Hive o dockerizing the application and deploying it to kubernetes o ETL framework for downloading data using REST ,transform it and load it to sugar CRM o Building custom ETL plugins like JMS,salesforce, REST and SOAP based integration etc
Jan, 2012 - Present
12 years, 7 months
Batch data processing and Reporting Lead
Jan, 2014 - May, 2017
3 years, 4 months
Jan, 2014 - May, 2017
3 years, 4 months
o Lead the team in designing and development of Batch scheduling, reporting(metadata, reporting templates, custom reporting plugins using J2EE) and ETL o Worked on various integrations like spring batch, SFTP,SOAP and Rest services, SSO,LDAP etc. o Large data integration between the settlement engine and down stream application. o Designed and developed reusable framework components for batch, reporting and ETL o Enhanced performance and scalability of systems by providing effective solutions
Jan, 2014 - May, 2017
3 years, 4 months
Meter Data Management – Tech Lead
Oct, 2007 - Jan, 2014
6 years, 3 months
Phoenix IT Solutions
Oct, 2007 - Jan, 2014
6 years, 3 months
oTechnical delivery for the project, including in-depth technical analysis, design and development in datawarehouse application oWorked on design and development of Business Rules for Data validation & Estimation oLead the team to design and develop dashboard,analysis and reports oPublished and Subscribed web services,JMS Messages through Mule ESB
Oct, 2007 - Jan, 2014
6 years, 3 months
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
2010 - 2012
2 years
Flag of
2010 - 2012
2 years
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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