أترجم من العربية إلى الإنجليزية ومن العربية إلى الفرنسية ومن العربية إلى الإسبانية ومن العربية إلى الرومانية. يمكنني كتابة المقالات ومراجعات الكتب باللغة العربية. أبحث عن اتصالات مع دور النشر أو المنظمات غير الحكومية أو الشركات العاملة في
الدول العربية.
I am a translator and interpreter and I collaborate sometimes with my vat number with agencies of translations.
I worked in a office press during a year and I worked on line as web writer in many blogs and newspaper on line and Ambassador for cityfan.
As you can see from my cv I speak fluently 4 languages so I studied and worked abroad (I studied in Jordan, Barcelona, Venice, Montpellier, I worked in Italy and in the South of Spain). I worked in social areas, multicultural environment. I have experience as translator (written and speak), web administrator and event organizer, european project writer.
Busco organizaciones no guvernamentales, agencias viajes, editoras, con la qué trabajar, empresas de comunicación.
The buyer tried to fraud me. She never delivered the job, she didn't follow the instructions and continue send payment requests that are more than the budget we agreed.
I describe and I evaluate bars, restaurants of Ferrara (city and districts) and Ancona (city and districts). Cityfan is platform created by the society Wickedin in Livorno) and bought from national newspaper La Repubblica.
As Ambassador I have also to involve people to enter in the communities Ferrara and Ancona and to evaluate the restaurants, bars. Here you have my profile
http://cityfan.repubblica.it/ambassador/ferrara less
I have also to manage the page in Facebook Ristoranti Ferrara
Apr, 2013 - Present
11 years, 10 months
Web writer
Apr, 2013 - Jul, 2013
3 months
Urban Post, 6 fashion, consigli utili
Apr, 2013 - Jul, 2013
3 months
I wrote daily for Urban Post, for News and Cinema. http://urbanpost.it/author/anna-cuccuru
I wrote some articles for:
6 fashion http://www.6fashion.it/author/anna-cuccuru (about fashion)
Consigli Utili http://www.consigli-utili.it/author/anna-cuccuru (about travels, transport, advises)
Facilissimo http://notiziefresche.info/author/annacuccuru/
Except for Urban Post, in the other sites I was paid with Google Adsense system so after some articles I decided to stop working.
Apr, 2013 - Jul, 2013
3 months
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
2011 - 2013
2 years
MA International Relation
2011 - 2013
2 years
Precae C1 e Advanced C1 Course in CLIC (Centro Lenguas Intercambio Cultural) in Sevilla
2011 - 2012
1 year
2011 - 2012
1 year
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
2008 - 2010
2 years
Master Mediazione Intermediterranea: Investimenti e Integrazione (MIM)
2008 - 2010
2 years
On time
On budget
Accept rate
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