Hi, I am Dr. Darshinia, currently practicing medicine in Malaysia. I am hoping to set up a Confinement centre with respite and contemporary medical back up for mother and the newborn. It should have the ambience of a vacation with an accomodation capacity of a minimum of 20 clients at any point of time.
The idea is to build a setting with a villa concept, containing:
1) 20 saparate chalets with its own bathroom (with bathtub)
2) 1 main building for operational and managemental use containing:
-admin office
-staff room
-procedure room
-yoga/phisiotherapy halls
3) open space (garden) for walking and fresh air
The treatment and confinement essence would be a combination of alternative therapy as well as conventional, depending on the clients' preference.
We would be also providing postpartum medical surveillence (in case of C-section related side effects, postpartum bleeding, pregnancy induced hypertension, etc) as well as newborn clinical surveillence ( jaundice and phototherapy if needed, jaundice blood investigation if needed, other unexpected medical issues) with the help of certified medical doctors and registered staff nurses, only if requested by the client.
I need a detailed bussiness proposal which will enable me to convince and wow investors and stake holders. This bussiness proposal should also be able to provide me with a financial forcast as well as marketing stratergy.