Bhupathi dana jobs
I need an experienced Academic Writer (UK English) with solid experience in CAQDAS such as NVivo and ATLAS to perform dana analysis for interview data ( 9 Interviews) collected for an academic business-focused project.
...Platit ću vam jedan sat vašeg vremena za tekstualni chat (* ne * video chat) sa mnom jedan sat svaki dan ili noć (nedjelja, ponedjeljak, utorak, srijeda i četvrtak) nešto između 17:00 do 22:00 (GMT + 2 ). Da li biste obično bili na raspolaganju za rad jedan sat dnevno, nedjelja-četvrtak između 17 i 22 sata (GMT +2)? Možete odabrati različit vremenski period od jednog sata za rad sa mnom svakog dana kada radimo zajedno. Na primjer, mogli bismo biti u nedjelju od 17 do 18 sati, u ponedjeljak od 21 do 22 sata, u utorak od 19 do 20 sati, i tako dalje. *** KAKO SE PRIJAVITI NA OVOM PROJEKTU *** Nije vam potrebno * ne * pročitati ovaj odjeljak ako namjeravate licitirati za ovaj projekt na uobičajen način. Naravno da na ovom projektu možete licitirati na uobičajen nači...
...Platit ću vam jedan sat vašeg vremena za tekstualni chat (* ne * video chat) sa mnom jedan sat svaki dan ili noć (nedjelja, ponedjeljak, utorak, srijeda i četvrtak) nešto između 17:00 do 22:00 (GMT + 2 ). Da li biste obično bili na raspolaganju za rad jedan sat dnevno, nedjelja-četvrtak između 17 i 22 sata (GMT +2)? Možete odabrati različit vremenski period od jednog sata za rad sa mnom svakog dana kada radimo zajedno. Na primjer, mogli bismo biti u nedjelju od 17 do 18 sati, u ponedjeljak od 21 do 22 sata, u utorak od 19 do 20 sati, i tako dalje. *** KAKO SE PRIJAVITI NA OVOM PROJEKTU *** Nije vam potrebno * ne * pročitati ovaj odjeljak ako namjeravate licitirati za ovaj projekt na uobičajen način. Naravno da na ovom projektu možete licitirati na uobičajen nači...
...Platit ću vam jedan sat vašeg vremena za tekstualni chat (* ne * video chat) sa mnom jedan sat svaki dan ili noć (nedjelja, ponedjeljak, utorak, srijeda i četvrtak) nešto između 17:00 do 22:00 (GMT + 2 ). Da li biste obično bili na raspolaganju za rad jedan sat dnevno, nedjelja-četvrtak između 17 i 22 sata (GMT +2)? Možete odabrati različit vremenski period od jednog sata za rad sa mnom svakog dana kada radimo zajedno. Na primjer, mogli bismo biti u nedjelju od 17 do 18 sati, u ponedjeljak od 21 do 22 sata, u utorak od 19 do 20 sati, i tako dalje. *** KAKO SE PRIJAVITI NA OVOM PROJEKTU *** Nije vam potrebno * ne * pročitati ovaj odjeljak ako namjeravate licitirati za ovaj projekt na uobičajen način. Naravno da na ovom projektu možete licitirati na uobičajen nači...
...Platit ću vam jedan sat vašeg vremena za tekstualni chat (* ne * video chat) sa mnom jedan sat svaki dan ili noć (nedjelja, ponedjeljak, utorak, srijeda i četvrtak) nešto između 17:00 do 22:00 (GMT + 2 ). Da li biste obično bili na raspolaganju za rad jedan sat dnevno, nedjelja-četvrtak između 17 i 22 sata (GMT +2)? Možete odabrati različit vremenski period od jednog sata za rad sa mnom svakog dana kada radimo zajedno. Na primjer, mogli bismo biti u nedjelju od 17 do 18 sati, u ponedjeljak od 21 do 22 sata, u utorak od 19 do 20 sati, i tako dalje. *** KAKO SE PRIJAVITI NA OVOM PROJEKTU *** Nije vam potrebno * ne * pročitati ovaj odjeljak ako namjeravate licitirati za ovaj projekt na uobičajen način. Naravno da na ovom projektu možete licitirati na uobičajen nači...
...Platit ću vam jedan sat vašeg vremena za tekstualni chat (* ne * video chat) sa mnom jedan sat svaki dan ili noć (nedjelja, ponedjeljak, utorak, srijeda i četvrtak) nešto između 17:00 do 22:00 (GMT + 2 ). Da li biste obično bili na raspolaganju za rad jedan sat dnevno, nedjelja-četvrtak između 17 i 22 sata (GMT +2)? Možete odabrati različit vremenski period od jednog sata za rad sa mnom svakog dana kada radimo zajedno. Na primjer, mogli bismo biti u nedjelju od 17 do 18 sati, u ponedjeljak od 21 do 22 sata, u utorak od 19 do 20 sati, i tako dalje. *** KAKO SE PRIJAVITI NA OVOM PROJEKTU *** Nije vam potrebno * ne * pročitati ovaj odjeljak ako namjeravate licitirati za ovaj projekt na uobičajen način. Naravno da na ovom projektu možete licitirati na uobičajen nači...
Assalam...fitur2 bisa dilihat contoh link yg saya sertakan. - privilidge user : admin, produksi, delivery boy - searchable (aktif/nonaktif bisa di set) di app customer 3. Customer = Android - mencari laundry berdasarkan jarak, rating, layanan, promo dsb detailnya bisa dilihat di link # Landing page bisa diatur dari dasboard brand owner, # Fitur pembayaran langganan via google wallet, gopay, link aja, dana, ovo setelah app jadi, freelancer akan mendapatkan presentase dari subscriber / tiap bulan sebagai fee maintenance dan update dalam kurun waktu tertentu (MOU). * jika berkenan.
Hi Dana I., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
...- Washed and conditioned and styled (only straightening) Closure replaced and hair washed and new wig cap (Closure not included in price) Cart basket (Shopping Cart) for items to go when processing to pay The website site should be able to take card payments - All orders to feed into my business email address with Order Number attached and items alongside for example Order Number 1024 - Dana Wig and Dana (Day) Lashes At the bottom of the page to have small links to things on the page How to measure your head for a Wig Contact Us Reviews FAQs - Hair Care Social media handles Company Logo (Bottom Middle) With social media handles either side I would like to have a backing login so I can login myself and edit...
Hi simranninfotech, my name is dana and i’m a content editor, content writer and for the last 18 months also a UX writer. I need to upgrade my current linkedin profile (its really really basic now). It should be based on my Cv. I need it for sunday. And this are some examples for nice linkdein’s profile i saw: Can you take the project? And if so- i need to give you my linkedin password and send you my cv. Thank you, Dana
I need my daughters video edited and posted on YouTube. it should be like youtube channel toys and colors and the Dana show. please only respond if you dont similar kids YouTube video editing. looking for long term hire
Hi Dana T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. I have a Business Development and Partnership Development project in Digital and Management Consulting.
Hi Nur H., I noticed your profile and would like to discuss if you have the ability to research a company in Malaysia for me and provide business filings. foYayasan Dana Kebajikan Muslim Malaysia
Need official company business filings pulled for the Malaysian company: Yayasan Dana Kebajikan Muslim I've attached the document provided to me by a client who I'm doing Due Diligence for.
Hi Leticia Dana S., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hey Aman this side....!!!! I am in manufacturing business of Printing of Polythene bags & Pouches...!!! So there are few raw material used like Ink,Chemical,Plastic Rolls & Plastic Dana So I just want where I can see all this stock managed in mobile & alerts also when these items are short...!!
My name is dana and I hana a bachelor degree in law from Arabic country. I need someone to help me to write a personal statement to continue my studies abroad in the US. As a foreigner student I need someone to help me to be perfectly to apply for good university and my major is “ commercial law “. Appreciate your time.
Hi Dana I., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana I., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana V., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana L., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana L., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
aap muza work dana ki karpa kara ma apko jalad hi apko apka kam karka dunga
Pozdrav, čitam što znaš na tvom profilu i savršen si developer za moj projekt. Radi se o jednom trading algoritmu. Imam napisan veliki dio koda ali nije dovršen. Jezik je python a exchange bitmex. Program je malo napredniji, imam prezentaciju u kojoj je objašnjeno kako treba funkcionirati. Trebao bi biti gotov što prije, maks tjedan dana. Prva i zadnja cijena je 1000$. Srdačan pozdrav, Dominik
ONLY FREELANCERS FROM SERBIA Pozdrav, Potrebno mi je 5 udarnih blogova za pocetak na srpskom jeziku sa pratecim slikama na temu koja je za sad poslovna tajna i bice potreban potpisan NDA licno - možemo po...SERBIA Pozdrav, Potrebno mi je 5 udarnih blogova za pocetak na srpskom jeziku sa pratecim slikama na temu koja je za sad poslovna tajna i bice potreban potpisan NDA licno - možemo poštom. Budzet je mali sad jer smo na pocetku. Mogu odvojiti oko 5e po blogu. Trenutno radimo na izradi website.a. ali vec možemo objaviti live sadržaj Minimum potreba je 5 objava mesecno. Rok dostave bloga je oko 5 dana pre objavljivanja za buduće radove te uvek ima dovoljno vremena da se lepo organizuje, izmeni, odobri, objavi. Tematika ima veze sa medicinom dalji dogovor kroz poruke H...
Brand Name : Sara Alwatani Who is Sara ? She is dietitian believes in creating new philosophy of diet by caring about each ...Awareness. - Right Informations about diet. - How to live healthy life in a easier way. - using Nutrition Therapy. Colour preferred : Dusty Pink / neutral colours. Logo Design: Typography / simple / little abstract element can be added. Logo uses : as trade mark in Instagram posts and Social Media in general. Needs : Logo - General Instagram theme for dietitian. Sara competitors: Accounts; 1- dana ghareeb: 2- nutri-fit ; 3- abrar ; 4- natbasma;
Looking for someone that's creativity to assist with the design of our IT company brochure for Azure Services and Office 365 , Our Company is a Microsoft gold partner , we have many other requirements related to our company branding look and feel that needs to be renovated, looking for three sample company brochure designs with our logo attached ta...Advisory Services , Cloud and Workload Migration Services, Cloud and Application Transformation Services, Office 365 Migration and Assessment. Have picture related to each of this services and lastly our Team skillset example Microsoft Azure certification badge , our Microsoft partner competency which are Application Development , Small and Midmarket cloud solution , Datacentre , Data Platform and Dana Analytics , preferred layout ...
Hi Sofia Dana G., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Patron Donation Management Project :) This is a larger project but there are projects that are 2x it's size if you can complete this one by April with me.
Pozdrav, Tražimo WordPress developere koji bi se pridružili našem rastućem timu - - na razvoju i održavanju WP pluginova i projekata. Radi se isključivo od kuće, rokovi su razumni, ne živciramo se, ako nešto kasni 2 dana nije smak svijeta :) Ako vam je fokus na WP iole zanimljiv, molim vas da se javite kako bi popričali. Hvala, Gordan
Pozdrav, Tražimo WordPress developere koji bi se pridružili našem rastućem timu - - na razvoju i održavanju WP pluginova i projekata. Radi se isključivo od kuće, rokovi su razumni, ne živciramo se, ako nešto kasni 2 dana nije smak svijeta :) Ako vam je fokus na WP iole zanimljiv, molim vas da se javite kako bi popričali. Hvala, Gordan
Pozdrav Hana, imam jedan mali copywriting projekt za jednu webstranicu. Plz javi mi ako imaš vremena idućih par dana pa da ti objasnim detalje. Pozdrav
Hi danamgus, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana Q., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Dana A., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
السلام عليكم. اتواصل مع حضرتك بخصوص عمل في قطر. رجاء التواصل عبر الدردشة
Hello everyone, I am new here, just joined now. I am looking for a qualified academic person in the field of Business and Management for some easy job (solving some exercise), this exercise very important for me because it's a kind of scholarship online test so he has to be qualified one. It's around 10 multi-choice easy tasks and one more written task (need find the rule and solve it) if the person knows the answers it will not takes 15 mins! The test will be on 15 January and I still don't know which time yet, and the result of this test will be on 10 February. they give some examples of tasks with its solution, hence, I gonna use it to know if the candidate person is qualified or not. I will pay well for this job. but I will not pay firstly because I don't know i...
Hello there. My name is Dana and I'd like to have this small document translated from English to Vietnamese so I can communicate with a charity organisation. I will pay $10 USD for this service. Thank you very much.
Custom responses only, or I will hide your bid. Local SEO expert Needed. Need you to audit our local Search engine optimization, and show me what needs improvement to help ranking, traffic, and more phone calls: Area: Dana Point, CA I have already done extensive work with the following, so please bid intelligently: -citation building -local relevance linkbuilding -press release -GMB optimization
Proposal dana dane: December 13, 2019 Fir Status report December 2019 Seconds report: December 14, 2019 Final report due date December 15, 2019 Introduction
Would like a A5 sized flyer front designed. Editable PSD required please. 1) Include pictures of comedians and logo attached. 2) Insert flags of following countries: Jamaica, Nigeria, St Lucia, Antigua, Canada, St Kitts, Grenada, England, Barbados, Ghana, St Vincent, Indian, Uganda, Dominica, Congo, Guyana, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Trinidad. 3) Needs to look like one...Congo, Guyana, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Trinidad. 3) Needs to look like one flyer, needs to be layered not a cut and paste of different images. Comedian Pictures Attached Logo Attached TEXT: WORLD COMEDY CLASH SATURDAY 18th APRIL 2020 @ HACKNEY EMPIRE, 291 Mare Street, London E8 1EJ Doors Open 7pm / Show Starts 8pm Sharp WILL-E | KANE BROWN | PETER FRANCIS | RUDI LICKWOOD TOJU | MR CEE | DANA ALEXANDER | AXEL BL...
EVERYTHING SHOULD BE VINTAGE / DISTRESSED Need the Shirt front to be the same as the Pink Floyd front or the Cheap Trick Front - either one. say STIGGINS WORLD TOUR Back should be the same as the Rolling Stones back ...same as the Rolling Stones back and say STIGGINS US TOUR Auburn MI Aug 1998 Bloomington IN Sept 1999 Scranton PA Sept 2000 Providence RI Sept 2000 Boston MA Sept 2000 Bar Harbor ME Sept 2000 Niagara Falls NY Sept 2000 Crivitz WI Aug 2001 Door County WI Sept 2001 Salt Lake City, UT June 2002 Mackinaw Island, MI Sept 2008 Napa CA Nov 2015 Bloomington IN Nov 2017 Denver CO Feb 2018 Dana IN Sept 2018 Bloomington IN Nov 2018 Pentwater MI July 2019 Just do white font on heather gray or black tee shirt ILLUSTRATOR FILE ONLY. Please include d...
I am Hiyaman Rabha from Assam, India. I was a faculty of a computer institute and now i have left the job. So i want to work online. If you have any data entry , typing(or similar) work then please hire me. I will do the best.
I want to hire a virtual Assistant to help with Administrative support and data entry. Hello and how are you