Marketing strategy for an App (Word document)

  • Status: Open
  • Prize: €20
  • Entries Received: 13

Contest Brief


I look for a marketing strategist to help me launch a business.

The contest's purpose is to select who will be the person to accompany me in this adventure.

The single deliverable of this contest is a Word document, containing:

- Branding: What feelings and associations? Why? + some ideas of name, slogan, logo (no image require, just description), colours, serving this purpose.
- Product: What features should the product include? What should the user journey be (in-Word high-level commentary of the Figma mockup? Why? + Some ideas of features like ability to compare your tariff to other users's.
- Promotion: What marketing channels to use? Why?
- Pricing: How should the service be priced? Why?

Below a description of the business, and a little mockup of the app:

- The app guarantees the user to always have the cheapest supplier of electricity. How does the app achieve this? Every day the app retreives all electricity suppliers' market offers without exit penalty and automatically switches the users to the cheapest one. If the user finds a better tariff, the app rewards him and adds this tariff into its database.
- Figma Mockup:
- Current app pricing: fee paid upfront before each switch. Fee computed as a % of future savings thanks to the switch, based on the app's own estimates.

Win Criteria:

- Pragmatism: You are the WINNER if you hand a Word with very few but intelligent comments, versus a contestant with a hard-worked long list of tiny things. Also: You are OUT if you lose your time or my time, for example: You are OUT if you spend time designing logos. You are OUT if you spend time designing Figma screens. You are OUT if you comment about the buttons that should be less/more round or have a different colour.
- Intelligence: You are the WINNER if your ideas are logically tied and tidied, starting from more strategic to less. You are OUT if you use obvious ideas from chatgpt.
- Creativity: You are the WINNER if one of your ideas is as crazy as the logo should be an animal, and I should wear a full-body animal custom and go on a tour across cities with music and a big QR code in my back.

Kind regards,

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Public Clarification Board

  • thebestech810
    • 1 week ago

    Have a look on Entry: #16

    • 1 week ago
  • cmailms
    • 2 weeks ago

    what's the app name

    • 2 weeks ago
  • billalbenferhat
    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago
  • billalbenferhat
    • 2 weeks ago

    The thing I wrote is from reliable sources and the sources have been mentioned at the end.

    • 2 weeks ago
  • billalbenferhat
    • 2 weeks ago

    Read it completely, it contains 3 pages #6

    • 2 weeks ago

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