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Sohail J.



Senior Software Developer (Mobile & Web App & SEO)

$10 USD / Hour
Flag of
Pakistan (8:27 PM)
Joined on January 27, 2020
$10 USD / Hour
Hello. I am Sohail Jamil and I am a Senior software developer with 7 years of professional experience. I am here to assist you with your project with my skills What do I offer? - Mobile Application Development - Flutter App Development - React native - Native Android - iOS Application - Web Development - MERN Stack / MEAN Stack - CMS ( wordpress Shopify durpal etc) - Custom web portal (PHP etc) - APIs development and integration - SEO - SEO /SME/ SMO/ASO - Digital marketing (FB ads/ Google ads) - Google analytics - Desktop software development - .net - asp .net - C# - APIs development and integration - Python development - Flask Web App - Machine learning - Web scraping - Crawling - API and Web Development with Flask/Pyramid/Django - Other Skills - Knowledge of many database technologies many SQL databases as well as NO-SQL - Knowledge of various data storage formats: JSON, XML, CSV, EXCEL - Experience with many popular APIs as Amazon, Discord, Twilio, Slack, Twitter and many more My top qualities as a freelancer are: - Trying to always deliver the project ahead of the deadline - Working until all client's requirements are satisfied - Quick responses and often updates on the project Click the Hire Me button to message me or if you see my bid on your project click on the chat button to get started. king Regards Sohail Jamil
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4.5 · 133 Reviews
Sohail was a pleasure to work with!! Not only did he propose a more than fair price, but also was on it and got our project done in record time! Highly recommended!
Mark S.
Flag of
Akron, United States
23 hours ago
He is very responsive and was willing to patiently work together to hear my feedback until the website was completed to my satisfaction. He also was able to think of a creative work around based on my initial project description. Thank you!
Laura R.
Flag of
Philadelphia, United States
2 days ago
Currency' issue $50 CAD
Very fast answer, available and fixed my issue quickly
Marie-Lyne M.
Flag of
Montréal, Canada
8 days ago
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I will think twice before working with this developer. He takes a long time to respond my messages and ended up wasting 5 months of my time.
Alan L.
Flag of
Coquitlam, Canada
22 days ago
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Very professional and dedicating work
Srkoc S.
Flag of
Puconci, Slovenia
22 days ago
Jan, 2023 - Present
1 year, 7 months
Software Development Hub
Jan, 2023 - Present
1 year, 7 months
As a CEO, I am responsible for overseeing and managing the operations of a company .My duties coordinating with various departments to ensure smooth workflow, managing budgets and finance.
Jan, 2023 - Present
1 year, 7 months
Business manager
Jan, 2021 - Jan, 2022
1 year
Six Sol
Jan, 2021 - Jan, 2022
1 year
As a Business Manager, I am responsible for overseeing and managing the daily operations of a company or organization. My duties will include coordinating with various departments to ensure smooth workflow, managing budgets and finances, developing strategies to increase profitability and productivity, and establishing policies and procedures to improve overall efficiency.
Jan, 2021 - Jan, 2022
1 year
Project Manager
Jan, 2020 - Jan, 2021
1 year
Developers Hub
Jan, 2020 - Jan, 2021
1 year
Full time Project Manager at Developers Hub
Jan, 2020 - Jan, 2021
1 year
Queen's University Belfast
2018 - 2020
2 years
PhD Software Engineering
Flag of
United Kingdom
2018 - 2020
2 years
Birkbeck, U. of London
2016 - 2018
2 years
MS Software Engineering
Flag of
United Kingdom
2016 - 2018
2 years
California Institute of Technology
2011 - 2015
4 years
BS Software Engineering
Flag of
United States
2011 - 2015
4 years
Mobile App Expert
Six Sol
Mobile App Developer is a credential that verifies a professional's knowledge and skills in designing, developing, and deploying mobile applications. It demonstrates expertise in programming languages and tools, user interface design, mobile platform development, and app deployment. Such certifications can be obtained through various training programs and online courses offered by educational institutions or technology companies
Flutter App expert
Flutter offers a certification exam to assess a developer's proficiency in building mobile apps with Flutter and Dart. It covers topics such as widgets, state management, and UI/UX design. The exam is conducted online, consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and requires a passing score of 70%
Web API developer
API developer certification validates skills in designing, building, and testing APIs. It covers topics such as API design, RESTful web services, HTTP protocol, security, authentication, and versioning. Obtaining the certification demonstrates expertise in developing high-quality APIs that meet industry standards
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