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Adityo D.
GIS Facilitator in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
$7 USD / Hour
Indonesia (5:54 AM)
Joined on July 21, 2009
$7 USD / Hour
I'm currently work in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Indonesia as GIS Facilitator to teach people about how to use OpenStreetMap and open source software (QGIS). Studied in University of Indonesia with Geography Major. Understand about mapping, GIS and cartography. Familiar with ArcGIS, QGIS, ErMapper, Envi and JOSM.
I'm working in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Indonesia as Senior GIS Facilitator. Our objective is to teach people about how to use OpenStreetMap for humanitarian use and how to use QGIS along with InaSAFE for spatial analysis tool for humanitarian purpose. If you want to see my profile more detail, go to:
Sep, 2012 - Present
12 years, 6 months
Freelancer Mapping
Sep, 2011 - Apr, 2012
7 months
Sentra Digital Indonesia
Sep, 2011 - Apr, 2012
7 months
My job is make a city planning map in merauke city with my team while the others make a report for this city planning. I just make a maps to help my team get an overview with merauke city
Sep, 2011 - Apr, 2012
7 months
Universitas Indonesia
2008 - 2012
4 years
2008 - 2012
4 years
UK English
US English
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