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    3 jobs found

    I'm seeking a skilled AI developer who can create an AI interface trained on all areas of South African law. This interface should be capable of providing legal advice aimed at assisting the general public. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AI development and natural language processing. - Experience in developing user-friendly interfaces, with a focus on accessibility features. - AI to be trained on South African law. The AI interface needs to have: - Text-to-speech capability to assist users who may have difficulty reading or understanding the text. - Document analysis and interpretation of content that could be provided by user. Documents to be uploaded. Please note, the target audience for this AI interface is the general public and legal businesses. Therefore, the...

    ₹3259 / hr Average bid
    ₹3259 / hr Avg Bid
    11 bids

    I need a skilled AI engineer to create a Chatbot Virtual Customer Assistant for one of our enterprise clients. The chatbot's primary role will be processing 1000's of Invoice Excel files and be able to answer queries from the data in the Invoice data in Excel files. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a user-friendly AI chatbot for my enterprise clients - Ensure the chatbot is capable of handling general queries on data - The chatbot should be capable of showing bar charts, pie charts based on data outputs Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in AI and LLM development - Prior work in creating chatbots on Excel documents - Strong knowledge in building awesome UI Experience - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail

    ₹163045 Average bid
    ₹163045 Avg Bid
    13 bids

    I'm looking for a Zendesk expert to improve my current account setup for better ticket handling efficiency. The project involves: - Onboarding with my current staff: I need you to help my team learn the system and become proficient in using Zendesk. - Ticket system training: A comprehensive understanding of how to effectively use the ticket system is key. - Current system overview and recommendations: I'd like you to review our current arrangement and provide recommendations for improvements. Additionally, I need moderate customizations to the user experience for specific tasks. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Zendesk - Proven track record in improving ticket handling efficiency - Ability to integrate with email marketing and project mana...

    ₹1755 / hr Average bid
    ₹1755 / hr Avg Bid
    47 bids

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