Soy Nicaragüense Ingeniero en Sistemas, con más de 10 años de experiencia como DBA, SysAdmin, Desarrollo Web en Php, Implementación y administración de Moodle entre muchas otras tecnologías.
I am Nicaraguan Systems Engineer, with more than 10 years of experience as DBA, SysAdmin, Web Development in Php, Implementation and administration of Moodle among many other technologies.
William really knows what he is doing and is willing to help beyond the scope of his work to make things work. He even prepared very organized notes to help us understand changes he was making to our work. we are very satisfied and we will hire him again in the future to continue with this project!.
Enhorabuena william por tu trabajo!
William is awesome! Worth much more than I paid - even though the task was more complex than originally expected it was completed to a very high standard, which indicated William has fabulous css knowledge (especially since this was something I wasted hours on trying to fix myself) and his prompt communication was an added bonus. Thank you William - I look forward to hiring you again!