I want a Word Press 2.1.3 blog theme based on customizing the Cutline 1.1 theme. The Cutline theme has 2 columns and is 770 px wide. I want to widen it, add a third column, add some space for ads and reduce header information showing.
## Deliverables
Customizations to the Cutline 1.1 theme
* Blog pages width 800 px
[login to view URL]
* Blog name and description not showing
* Menu ??" no changes
* Header banner reduce to 400 x 140 px, locate on left side of page.
* To the right of the header banner put a 400 x 140 px space for a CPM or other ad (remark this location in the code)
* Under the header banner put a 468 x 60 px space for a google banner ad.
* (remark this location in the code)
* To the right of the google banner ad put a google search box (Coop) 332 x 60 px
[login to view URL] and [login to view URL] and [login to view URL] (new)
* In three columns, left to right, as
* * post content and comments
* google skyscraper ad space
* normal sidebar.
* Post and comment content to be 468 px wide ie same width as google banner ad just above.
* Google skyscraper column to be 120 px wide.
* Sidebar to be 212 px wide
* Padding on each side of middle skyscraper column to be about 30 px to give good visual separation between adjacent columns.
[login to view URL] (or [login to view URL] if [login to view URL] file doesn’t work)
* Change as needed to meet above changes
* Retain the Cutline theme’s ability to use plugins to add functions to the blog, excluding the new sidebar. No plugin interaction with the new sidebar is needed. Two important plugins will be WP-Post Ratings and Nybblelabs Sidebar Modules. Test both with the customized theme.
See attached draft blog layout.
Deliverable to be a theme folder that I can upload into my site and use as easily as the original Cutline theme.
## Platform
Whatever NetFirms blogs run on, probably LAMP. All the code is php.