Merge Word docs and text files into an Excel spreadsheet
$30-250 USD
Paid on delivery
Merge 2-3 Word documents, 1 Excel file and one .txt file into one Excel spreadsheet. All text data, no calculations.
Approximately 400 records and up to 10 fields.
Project ID: #801052
About the project
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92 freelancers are bidding on average $42 for this job
Greetings! Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to bid for your project. Please refer to PMB for our detailed bid.
@@@@@@@@@@ Hello Sir/Madam, we are ready to start work asap... so please check pm. Thanks San Infotech @@@@@@@@@@
Respected Sir, Let us start right now and totally free for this time. More details in PMB. Kindest regards.