Corporate Identity Consultants for hire in Germany

  • Corporate Identity
  • Germany


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Showing 145 results
  • Hire     LisaCarstens
Hire     LisaCarstens

    LisaCarstens LisaCarstens

    Germany $35 USD / hour
    Packaging Design | Branding & CI | Illustration
    7 reviews 7 reviews $35 USD per hour
    My Profile: Communications Designer (Bachelor of Arts) Certified Graphic Designer & Illustrator trained in color psychology & target group marketing. fluent in English, German & Spanish. If you need help with the design such as print files/dielines/mock ups, but also the printing process, like finding sustainable...
    My Profile: Communications Designer (Bachelor of Arts) Certified Graphic Designer & Illustrator trained in color psychology & target group marketing. fluent in English, German & Spanish. If you need help with the design such as print files/dielines/mock ups, but also the printing process, like finding sustainable & innovative solutions, you came to the right person. NO AI. All designs are generated by a human brain (mine). less
  • Hire LisaCarstens
  • Hire     steffischulz
Hire     steffischulz

    steffischulz steffischulz

    Germany $50 USD / hour
    1 review 1 review $50 USD per hour
    Als Designerin begeistere ich mich für Branding und Designstrategie. Digitale und analoge Medien konzipiere und setze ich stilsicher, ausdrucksstark und CI-konform um. Ich helfe, komplexe Zusammenhänge visuell verständlich aufzubereiten.
    Als Designerin begeistere ich mich für Branding und Designstrategie. Digitale und analoge Medien konzipiere und setze ich stilsicher, ausdrucksstark und CI-konform um. Ich helfe, komplexe Zusammenhänge visuell verständlich aufzubereiten. less
  • Hire steffischulz
  • Hire     Poerke
Hire     Poerke

    Poerke Poerke

    Germany $25 USD / hour
    Grafik-Design = Drucken und bedrucken
    3 reviews 3 reviews $25 USD per hour
    Seit 2010 in einem Familienbetrieb in Sachen Design und Druckbeauftragung tätig. Ab 2016 Geschäftsinhaberin! Folien, Planen, Broschüren, Kataloge, Flyer, Folder...
    Seit 2010 in einem Familienbetrieb in Sachen Design und Druckbeauftragung tätig. Ab 2016 Geschäftsinhaberin! Folien, Planen, Broschüren, Kataloge, Flyer, Folder... less
  • Hire Poerke
  • Hire     razvanferariu
Hire     razvanferariu

    razvanferariu razvanferariu

    Germany $28 USD / hour
    Logo & Branding Designer
    1 review 1 review $28 USD per hour
    Who I am I’m Constantin, a Saarland – Germany based graphic designer, focusing on logo & identity design. I joined the freelance graphic design world in 2017, working primarily through crowd-sourcing sites like Freelancer. My Services *Logo Design *Branding *Iconography *Illustration *Business Cards *Flyer...
    Who I am I’m Constantin, a Saarland – Germany based graphic designer, focusing on logo & identity design. I joined the freelance graphic design world in 2017, working primarily through crowd-sourcing sites like Freelancer. My Services *Logo Design *Branding *Iconography *Illustration *Business Cards *Flyer Design *Letterheads *Leaflets *Banner Design *Brochure Design If you would like to hire me, click the "Hire" button and I will respond in the shortest time possible. Regards Constantin-Razvan Ferariu less
  • Hire razvanferariu
  • Hire     elenakalashnik
Hire     elenakalashnik

    elenakalashnik elenakalashnik

    Germany $35 USD / hour
    Branding | Illustration | Web | UI/UX | 3D | NFT
    12 reviews 12 reviews $35 USD per hour
    ArtGenerators is a team of creativities from Ukraine. Our task: to make your business prosper with our design and illustrations, your customers' loyalty to your business grows every day, and you are satisfied with yourself, proud of your brand, and delighted our design! We draw logos and create brands, we make a...
    ArtGenerators is a team of creativities from Ukraine. Our task: to make your business prosper with our design and illustrations, your customers' loyalty to your business grows every day, and you are satisfied with yourself, proud of your brand, and delighted our design! We draw logos and create brands, we make a variety of illustrations and graphics for so many areas of business, we create websites and apps, printed and souvenir products, and much more related to design and graphics overall! Be sure, the design you receive will be not only attractive but prepared properly for further production and will work appropriately for your business. Summarize: We are work to make your brand grow with our designs, being anywhere in the world, and almost constantly online to solve pressing issues related to the design and business of our clients. If you need a design - write to us, and we will definitely come up with and draw a design that is suitable especially for you and your business. less
  • Hire elenakalashnik
  • Hire     Dukhan
Hire     Dukhan

    Dukhan Dukhan

    Germany $180 USD / hour
    Graphics, Media and Web Design
    2 reviews 2 reviews $180 USD per hour
    Providing Graphic design, Video Editing, website Development and all you need for your business . ? Graphic Design ? * Branding & Logos * UI & UX * Product Design * Business card * Flyers * Brochures & Catalogs * Menu Card * Exhibitions & Larg format ? 3d & VFX ? * Animation *...
    Providing Graphic design, Video Editing, website Development and all you need for your business . ? Graphic Design ? * Branding & Logos * UI & UX * Product Design * Business card * Flyers * Brochures & Catalogs * Menu Card * Exhibitions & Larg format ? 3d & VFX ? * Animation * Visual Effects * Broadcast Graphics * Hologram Technology * Virtual Set * 3D rendering * 3D modeling ? Video Production ? * Video Editing * Video Shooting * Commercials Films * TV Advertising * Exhibition & Event films * Explanation videos * Web Video Production * Wedding Videos * Color Correction ? Web Solutions ? * Web Development * Web Design * E-Commerce * SSL Certificates * Digital Marketing * SEO * Social Media Services ? Photography ? * Location Photography * Artists Photography * Product Photography * Industrial Photography * Medical Photography * Wedding Photography * Kids Photography * Retouching ? and even more ? JUST FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME OR VISIT MY WEBSITE less
  • Hire Dukhan
  • Hire     ntarts94
Hire     ntarts94

    ntarts94 ntarts94

    Germany $11 USD / hour
    Motion designer and student
    0 reviews 0 reviews $11 USD per hour
    Hello, my name is Nicole. Welcome to my page. I specialize in graphic, illustrative as well as motion graphic design. But I also have worked with professional photoshoots in fashion, photo editing and photography.
    Hello, my name is Nicole. Welcome to my page. I specialize in graphic, illustrative as well as motion graphic design. But I also have worked with professional photoshoots in fashion, photo editing and photography. less
  • Hire ntarts94
  • Hire     usimmann
Hire     usimmann

    usimmann usimmann

    Germany $30 USD / hour
    Industrial Designer
    0 reviews 0 reviews $30 USD per hour
    Focus on industrial design. Creating valuable and high quality products and portfolio strategy. Experienced in soft goods such as apparel and bags, as well as electronic consumer goods such as lighting or technical products - from idea and sketch work to serial production. Experienced in 2D logo development and...
    Focus on industrial design. Creating valuable and high quality products and portfolio strategy. Experienced in soft goods such as apparel and bags, as well as electronic consumer goods such as lighting or technical products - from idea and sketch work to serial production. Experienced in 2D logo development and graphic design, online and print. less
  • Hire usimmann
  • Hire     DianaBeginBright
Hire     DianaBeginBright

    DianaBeginBright DianaBeginBright

    Germany $200 USD / hour
    Professional Marketing Expert with track record
    0 reviews 0 reviews $200 USD per hour
    I come from the D2C industry (Investor and Founder) and know my way around design, sales and marketing. I know how to build a sustainable brand and how to create an unmistakable brand identity! - Professional Logo - Corporate Identity - All print advertising materials (Business cards, Brochures, banner design,...
    I come from the D2C industry (Investor and Founder) and know my way around design, sales and marketing. I know how to build a sustainable brand and how to create an unmistakable brand identity! - Professional Logo - Corporate Identity - All print advertising materials (Business cards, Brochures, banner design, flyer design and more) - Package design - Illustrations - Marketing Ads - E-Commerce less
  • Hire DianaBeginBright
  • Hire     NiHeDW
Hire     NiHeDW

    NiHeDW NiHeDW

    Germany $88 USD / hour
    0 reviews 0 reviews $88 USD per hour
    Als erfahrene Kommunikationsdesignerin mit über 15 Jahren Berufserfahrung bin ich auf Packaging Design und Corporate Design spezialisiert. Meine Leidenschaft liegt darin, ästhetische und funktionale Designs zu entwickeln, die Markenidentitäten stärken und zielgerichtet kommunizieren. In meiner Laufbahn habe ich nicht...
    Als erfahrene Kommunikationsdesignerin mit über 15 Jahren Berufserfahrung bin ich auf Packaging Design und Corporate Design spezialisiert. Meine Leidenschaft liegt darin, ästhetische und funktionale Designs zu entwickeln, die Markenidentitäten stärken und zielgerichtet kommunizieren. In meiner Laufbahn habe ich nicht nur erfolgreich an Projekten mitgewirkt, sondern auch eigene Projekte eigenständig geleitet, von der Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung. Mein Ansatz verbindet strategisches Denken mit kreativem Feingefühl, um einzigartige und wirkungsvolle Designlösungen zu schaffen. Ob Branding, Verpackungsgestaltung oder umfassende Corporate-Design-Projekte – ich unterstütze Unternehmen dabei, visuell herausragend aufzutreten und nachhaltig Eindruck zu hinterlassen. less
  • Hire NiHeDW

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