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Souf S.



i am a freelancer

$15 USD / Hour
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Morocco (11:44 AM)
Joined on August 29, 2024
$15 USD / Hour
freelance copywriter, you combine creativity and precision in wording to influence audiences and achieve specific goals for clients. You are distinguished by your ability to understand clients’ needs and translate those needs into compelling and engaging texts, whether for marketing, SEO, or branding purposes. You are proficient in writing a variety of content, from articles and blogs to advertising copy and press releases. With your expertise, you can generate innovative ideas and transform complex concepts into easy-to-understand texts that meet the needs of your target audience. You are able to work flexibly in a variety of environments and fields, and have effective time management skills that enable you to deliver work on deadlines. In addition, you have strong communication skills that allow you to collaborate with clients, designers and editors to ensure the delivery of integrated and effective content. Writing for you is not just a profession, but a passion, through which you seek to achieve the greatest impact with every word you write
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