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Cagr C.
Audio Engineering
$10 USD / Hour
Turkey (5:14 AM)
Joined on July 26, 2020
$10 USD / Hour
I’ve been dealing with music more than 20 years and involved in various bands with genres such as pop, rock and heavy metal. For the last 10 years, I’ve been arranging, mixing and mastering both my own and my bands’ projects.
To improve my skills, I attended the mixing & mastering certificate program at Galatasaray ITM in 2016. I am an audio engineer who has a master degree from Bahçeşehir University, Department of Audio Technologies.
My skills are audio editing, mixing & mastering, and guitar & bass playing. I am also experienced in movie and commercial audio post production.
- Audio editing
- Audio mixing and mastering
- Post production for film industry
Jan, 2009 - Present
16 years, 1 month
Bahçesehir Üniversitesi
2019 - 2021
2 years
Postgraduate / Master program at Audio Technology & Audio Engineering
2019 - 2021
2 years
Audio Engineer
BAU/Bahçeşehir University
I am an audio engineer who has a master degree from BAU/Bahçeşehir University Department of Audio Technologies. I have been involved in music for 20+ years, and in mix & mastering for 10 years. In addition to my primary genre which is heavy metal, I also worked in different groups with different genres as a guitarist.
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