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Jagjit S.
Recommended Websites & Mobile APPs Expert
$15 USD / Hour
India (8:40 AM)
Joined on May 29, 2019
$15 USD / Hour
Looking for Quality work within time? I am here.
I am new here but having 10+ years of strong experience in both front and back-end development.
I am well versed with , MVC, C#,, Core PHP, frameworks such as Laravel, Yii2, CakePHP, CodeIgniter and CMS, woocommerce, paypal, stripe, razor pay payment gateway, [login to view URL]
I also have extensive experience in developing mobile apps using Ionic 3,4,5,6+ and React Native , flutter, firebase with backend admin panel development and apis
RESTful APIs, Node.js, ReactJS Components development , Redux for javascript, Babel, Webpack, GraphQI, MapBox, React Components testing using jest and enzymes
Also, beside my back-end skills I have deep knowledge of modern HTML, CSS(Sass, Less), Javascript and JS libraries/frameworks such as JQuery, Angular js, Flow.js, GoJs, Highcharts.js, Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize CSS. and more.
My vision to provide my clients:
✅ High-Quality Work
✅ Deliver before deadline
✅ Best Communication
✅ 24 x 7 Support
Your Success is my Achievement
Looking forward to work with you
Jagjit Singh
He knows the work and has technical capabilities but was extremely slow. A project for which he had envisaged 15 days timeline, didn’t delivered even after 6 months. He would never accept any of his mistake and will blame you only on follow up. Work progresses very slowly.
No progress happened for last 3 months. I waited. But he told me to take Code of half built website at the end. I paid Rs.10,500 but didn’t get even code. Don’t trust. Take code at every stage before payment. I lost money
The job was carried out in a professional manner by a group of coders, at times the consistency of the code wasn't cohesive with the standard required, but overall a good enough job was carried out.
quite capable. done good php project within time and budget. very quick response and very capable developer. interface is cleanr and professional. great work ethics and clear knowledge of the subject
Completed Difficult project for very demanding client,
landled pressure and dynamic changing requirements well and will continue to use again in future
Mar, 2021 - Aug, 2021
5 months
Vue.js and Twilio coder
Jan, 2020 - Nov, 2020
9 months, 30 days
William M.
Jan, 2020 - Nov, 2020
9 months, 30 days
Jagit S is a star at Freelance. If you get the opportunity to
work with him do not hesitate. He goes above and beyond. spoke to 54 others before I was lucky to find him. We will work together again
Jan, 2020 - Nov, 2020
9 months, 30 days
Punjab Technical University
2006 - 2009
3 years
B-tech Computer Engineering
2006 - 2009
3 years
Chandigarh engineering college
I have done master in business administration
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English
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