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Aneesh K.



Python, Web scraping, Data mining, Web automation

$15 USD / Hour
Flag of
India (6:54 PM)
Joined on June 20, 2013
$15 USD / Hour
Doing web scraping for the past 10 years using Python programming language and tools like Scrapy, requests, beautiful soup, selenium, playwright, etc. In my career growth I have build too many web scrapers in which most of the sites under the category e-commerce, business directory, people profile, property, etc. I resolved and found solution for many of the anti-scraping measures installed by websites.
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4.3 · 4 Reviews
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Fix Scraping Code Python €651 EUR
Good job, really fast
Miguel G.
Flag of
Sevilla, Spain
7 months ago
Communication was top notch. Very patient and attentive to the requests hed been given. Would recommend for sure!
Joseph A.
Flag of
Munich, Germany
7 months ago
I must say, Aneesh went above and beyond what was required of him. He knew exactly what my requirements were, he delivered the project perfectly and on time. I will be using him again for sure. I would recommend him to all future employers. Thank you Aneesh!
Mobashir S.
Flag of
Bradford, United Kingdom
5 years ago
Zillow Webscraping $25 USD
Excellent work -- great communication, fully transparent, delivered on time with zero errors. Also didn't try to negotiate to a higher price -- committed to what he bid. 5/5 recommend fully!
Tyler K.
Flag of
san francisco, United States
5 years ago
Cochin University of Science and Technology
2009 - 2013
4 years
Bachelor of Technology
Flag of
2009 - 2013
4 years
On time
On budget
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