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Johari A.
Mechanical Engineer/ 3D Modelling, CFD, FEA
$10 USD / Hour
Indonesia (3:48 PM)
Joined on January 27, 2015
$10 USD / Hour
My name is Johari . I am a professional Mechanical engineer. I have more than 8 years experience in CAD,CAM, mechanical processing , sheet metal, 3D modelling and mechanical drafting.
The services I offer include:
• 3D modelling , based on your sketches, drawings, pictures, using Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Onshape.
• Flat patterns of sheet metal parts.
• Produce manufacturing drawings based on 3D models and assemblies.
• STL files to solid models (STEP, IGS)
• Image to CAD (Dwg, Dxf, Step, Stl and ect )
• PDF to cad
• CMM and 3d scan reverse Engineering from STL, IGS and STL 3d scan model
• Produce DXF files for CNC / Laser / Plasma cutting.
• 2D CAD drafting in AutoCAD or Solidworks (technical drawings, converting from pdf/images to AutoCAD).
• FEA and CFD analysis.
• Motion analysis in solidworks.
Main software ;
AutoCAD, Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, etc