Verilog and VHDL are two of the most popular hardware description languages (HDLs) commonly used in the design, synthesis, analysis and verification of digital circuits. A Verilog or VHDL designer specializes in writing code in either of these languages for any integrated circuit applications needed.

Verilog and VHDL are used to describe digital systems ranging from relatively simple logic gates to incredibly complex designs involving multiple integration layers. If you need a new integrated circuit design or want to improve an existing one, hiring a Verilog / VHDL Designer is a great way to get the project done.

Here’s some projects that our expert Verilog / VHDL designer made real:

  • Audio processing for microcontroller environments
  • Design and implementation of digital signal processing pipelines
  • Gate level models for facial recognition
  • Digital signature schemes through Vivado Design Suite
  • First-In-First-Out (FIFO) buffers for data storage
  • Graph convolutional neural networks modules
  • Audio codec music players through FPGA boards
  • Stimulators for stack based microprocessors

As you can see, our team of freelancers have the capability to build any complex integrated circuits. They can develop sophisticated digital systems that make your dreams a reality. From audio processing through microcontrollers, to facial recognition gate level models, our team is able to deliver it all.

So if you’re looking for the perfect Verilog / VHDL Designer, just post your project on and get to work on your dream project today! With our top rated Freelancers, you can be sure that your job is taken care of quickly and exactly how you want it – having some real experts handle your projects!

From 9,933 reviews, clients rate our Verilog / VHDL Designers 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Hire Verilog / VHDL Designers

Verilog and VHDL are two of the most popular hardware description languages (HDLs) commonly used in the design, synthesis, analysis and verification of digital circuits. A Verilog or VHDL designer specializes in writing code in either of these languages for any integrated circuit applications needed.

Verilog and VHDL are used to describe digital systems ranging from relatively simple logic gates to incredibly complex designs involving multiple integration layers. If you need a new integrated circuit design or want to improve an existing one, hiring a Verilog / VHDL Designer is a great way to get the project done.

Here’s some projects that our expert Verilog / VHDL designer made real:

  • Audio processing for microcontroller environments
  • Design and implementation of digital signal processing pipelines
  • Gate level models for facial recognition
  • Digital signature schemes through Vivado Design Suite
  • First-In-First-Out (FIFO) buffers for data storage
  • Graph convolutional neural networks modules
  • Audio codec music players through FPGA boards
  • Stimulators for stack based microprocessors

As you can see, our team of freelancers have the capability to build any complex integrated circuits. They can develop sophisticated digital systems that make your dreams a reality. From audio processing through microcontrollers, to facial recognition gate level models, our team is able to deliver it all.

So if you’re looking for the perfect Verilog / VHDL Designer, just post your project on and get to work on your dream project today! With our top rated Freelancers, you can be sure that your job is taken care of quickly and exactly how you want it – having some real experts handle your projects!

From 9,933 reviews, clients rate our Verilog / VHDL Designers 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Hire Verilog / VHDL Designers


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    I'm looking for a skilled engineer with experience in Altera FPGA and electronics to develop a smart automatic door lock system. The system should use an electronic strike solenoid lock and operate based on a 4x3 keypad input. Key project requirements: - The lock should open when a correct passcode is entered. There will be three different passcodes programmed into the system. - If the user fails to enter the correct password after three tries, the system should implement a 20-second cooldown period before allowing attempts to restart. - A display screen should provide feedback when the correct passcode is entered. You will also need to provide guidance on how to connect the GPIO pins of the Altera DE0 Nanobot to a servo motor to simulate the door opening. The ideal candidate for th...

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    I need a Logisim expert to design a sequential circuit for me. The circuit should generate the digits in my student ID. Requirements: - Utilize JK Flip-Flops and Counters. - Employ only JK or D-flip-flop and basic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR). - The circuit should be able to replicate the digits of my student ID. Ideal skills: - Proficient in using Logisim. - Strong understanding of sequential circuit design. - Able to work with JK Flip-Flops and Counters. - Familiar with basic logic gates. I attached milestone 2 my previous project are going to continue working on it to do milestone 3 This project is primarily for educational purposes, helping me understand the practical application of circuit design. A freelancer with a background in electronics or computer engineering would...

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    I'm in need of a professional to create a simulation of a 4 way traffic system using Proteus or a lab center. The specific components and microcontroller to be used have not been decided yet, and the purpose of the simulation could be any of optimizing traffic flow, ensuring safety compliance, or for educational purposes. Ideal skills and experiences for this job include: - Proficiency in using Proteus or lab center for simulations - Understanding of traffic systems components - Experience with various microcontrollers, particularly Arduino, PIC, and 8051 - Ability to create simulations for different purposes (traffic optimization, safety, education) Freelancers with a strong background in traffic system simulations and microcontroller programming are encouraged to apply.

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    I'm working on a digital circuit design project focused on a finite state machine (FSM) for a lock system. I need assistance with the design and implementation using VHDL on a Basys3 FPGA board. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VHDL - Experience with digital circuit design - Familiarity with FSMs Key Tasks: - Design a FSM for a lock system - Implement the design using VHDL - Test the design on a Basys3 FPGA board Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

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    I require assistance with a project involving Xilinx ISE Design software version 14.7. The project encompasses a sign calculator and the implementation of LED patterns & seven segment display on the FPGA. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the tasks: - **Sign Calculator Implementation**: - The calculator should support basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. - It should be designed using a combination of combinational and sequential logic using Verilog. - **LED Patterns on FPGA**: - The LED patterns should be generated randomly. - You should have experience in creating dynamic and visually appealing patterns. - **Seven Segment Display on FPGA**: - The project involves configuring a seven segment display on the FPGA. ...

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    I'm seeking an FPGA expert proficient in VHDL for a multi-part project. The centerpiece is a digital alarm clock displayed on an LCD, with the following tasks to be completed: 1) A counter that counts from 0000-9999. It should be able to reset and be controlled using a pushbutton, displaying in decimal on 7-segment displays. 2) A digital alarm clock. The clock should display on an LCD and turn on an LED when the current time matches the alarm time. 3) Generation of a waveform. 4) Configuration of pins. 5) A demo video of the completed project. The digital alarm clock is the highest priority, so experience with time-based VHDL projects will be advantageous. Please note, the digital alarm clock does not need to include additional features such as a snooze function or multiple alarms. ...

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