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Felhasználó avatár

Zaheer A.



Mobile Application Developer and Web Developer

Pakistan (12:54 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: február 16, 2012
I am a developer, having sound expertise over different languages and platform like Web Development: ASP.Net (C#), PHP, Java (J2SE, J2EE), VB, django, python, Google App Engine, Javascript, AJAX, JQuery, Php, HTML5 Mobile Application Development: Android, Objective C, Cocos-2d, Cocos-2d-x, Unity3d, Phonegap Worked on different APIs like: Youtube API, Google API, Facebook API, LinkedIn API, Twitter Advanced Level Experties and Sound Experience in XML, XPATH, XSLT, Web Crawling, Web Scrapping, Parsing, Semi Structured and Unstructured Data Processing
Költségvetésen belül
Elfogadási arány
Ismételt megbízási arány



Változtatások elmentve
4.4 · 5 Reviews
He is a talented, patient and wonderful person to work. His focus is on the quality of the work rather than the money. Looking forward to work with him again.
Closed User
10 évvel ezelőtt
Felhasználó avatár
Good work!
Abdul Wahab K.
Karachi, Pakistan
11 évvel ezelőtt
Felhasználó avatár
Blog Data Scrapping $30 USD
Zaheer is simple the BEST guy I've ever worked it..! I have this project posted for long time but no one was really eligible to do the job..! Zaheer did it on TIME and provided MINIMUM bid for complete work..! Surely, I'll hire him for my next projects!
Abdul Wahab K.
Karachi, Pakistan
12 évvel ezelőtt
Felhasználó avatár
JAVA Roulette $50 USD
Excellent support, nice to work with. Rating: A+. Deliverd way ahead of deadline.
Nikola R.
Belgrade, Serbia
12 évvel ezelőtt
Working with Zaheer was great, I was able to get my website done in a reasonable amount of time. The only hold ups that we had is that I wasn't fast enough with my decisions because he was really busy with getting things done. I would recommend his work, it was pretty in expensive, and I was really happy with the quality of product in the end. His communication was great, very punctualy, and willing to go that extra mile to show me progress when he was working on the site.
Kyle K.
vancouver, Canada
12 évvel ezelőtt
Northbay Solutions
máj., 2012 – Jelenleg is
12 év, 9 hónap
Software Engineer
júl., 2012 - Jelenleg is
12 év, 7 hónap
Project Fishpro Facebook Game Role Developer Tools & Technologies Google App Engine, Python, DataStore, XML/Json Parsing My task in this project is to use "Agile Methodology (Test Driven Developement)" to services for Fishpro Facebook game from scratch.
Software Engineer
máj., 2012 - júl., 2012
2 hónap
Project: Intelligize Role: Developer Tools & Technologies: C#.Net, Parsing, MySql DB, Windows Services Intelligize products are designed to be used both in the research of SEC disclosure as well as the creation of documents including all filings and responses to SEC comments. Intelligize contains powerfull filters for trend analysis of documents, that makes Intelligize so different. Some of the main clients are Microsoft; IBM; Wall-Mart and so on.
máj., 2012 – Jelenleg is
12 év, 9 hónap
Software Engineer
aug., 2011 – Jelenleg is
13 év, 6 hónap
Northbay Solutions-CambridgeDocs
aug., 2011 - Jelenleg is
13 év, 6 hónap
Project xDoc Convertor Role Developer Tools & Technologies Java, XML, XSL, Eclipse Worked as a developer on this product. The product is used to convert business oriented data in different file formats to XML format and convert XML format to any targeted output format. Worked on converting Word and RTF file formats into XML and XSL-FO. The code is completely written in Java.
aug., 2011 – Jelenleg is
13 év, 6 hónap
Web Developer
febr., 2011 - aug., 2011
6 hónap
AVS Technologies
febr., 2011 - aug., 2011
6 hónap
I worked in different Web Based Projects in and C# and SQL Server
febr., 2011 - aug., 2011
6 hónap
University of the Punjab, Lahore
2007 - 2011
4 év
BS in Information Technology
2007 - 2011
4 év
US English - Level 1
US English
Foundation vWorker Member
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