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Yusra S.



Senior Research Analyst

$10 USD / óra
Pakistan (8:23 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: július 28, 2024
$10 USD / óra
I am a seasoned Senior Research Analyst with over 13 years of experience in academic writing and research. My expertise spans a wide range of disciplines, allowing me to deliver comprehensive, well-researched, and insightful content tailored to meet the specific needs of my clients. My key strengths include: * In-depth Research: Skilled in conducting thorough literature reviews, data analysis, and qualitative and quantitative research across various fields, including healthcare, economics, and social sciences. * Academic Writing: Proficient in crafting detailed research papers, reports, proposals, and literature reviews that meet rigorous academic standards and are tailored to specific project requirements. * Research Proposal Writing: Crafting compelling and well-structured research proposals that clearly define research questions, objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes. I ensure each proposal is tailored to meet the specific requirements of academic institutions or funding bodies. * Thesis and Dissertation Writing: Guiding students and professionals through the entire thesis and dissertation process. From selecting a research topic and conducting literature reviews to data collection, analysis, and final writing, I ensure each dissertation is meticulously crafted and academically sound. * Business Plan Writing: Developing detailed, strategic, and well-researched business plans that outline objectives, market analysis, financial projections, and implementation strategies. My business plans are designed to meet the needs of startups, entrepreneurs, and established businesses seeking to secure funding or guide their operations. * Data Analysis: Expertise in using statistical tools and methodologies to analyze complex datasets, providing clear insights and actionable recommendations. * Project Management: Proven ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality work that adheres to the client's guidelines and objectives. * Adaptability: Experienced in handling a diverse range of topics, from healthcare policy analysis to market research, enabling me to provide well-rounded perspectives and solutions. * Client Satisfaction: Committed to delivering work that not only meets but exceeds client expectations, with a focus on clarity, accuracy, and relevance. * Timely Delivery: Committed to meeting deadlines and ensuring that all projects and assignments are completed on time, without compromising on quality. Whether you're looking for detailed research, comprehensive analysis, or high-quality academic writing, I am dedicated to providing top-tier services that contribute to the success of your projects.



Változtatások elmentve
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Academic writer
jan., 2015 - jan., 2024
9 év
The writer club
jan., 2015 - jan., 2024
9 év
As an academic writer, I was employed. I regularly completed various assignments. Generally, I write 2500 words every time, depending on the assignment.
karachi, Pakistan
jan., 2015 - jan., 2024
9 év
Research Analyst
okt., 2021 - okt., 2023
2 év
H&H Solutions
okt., 2021 - okt., 2023
2 év
I worked on multiple tasks in a single day. I got different fields of work including business, management, marketing, and medical. I managed 5000 to 8000 words of assignments in a 24 hour of deadline.
karachi, Pakistan
okt., 2021 - okt., 2023
2 év
Bahria University
2013 - 2015
2 év
2013 - 2015
2 év
Sindh university
Achieved Master degree in English
The health problems faced by the Malaysian elderly people?
Yusra Sikander
The publication is based on health problems faced by elderly people of Malaysia. Currently, the best health services in Malaysia are primarily available at tertiary care hospitals. However, the country's healthcare system must better prepare to meet the growing demands of its aging population, especially those who are disabled or frail. The gap has been discussed between the extended lifespan and the quality of life of the elderly must be addressed to ensure they receive adequate care.
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