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Felhasználó avatár

Pintu S.



AI Team Lead

$15 USD / óra
India (4:24 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: október 4, 2024
$15 USD / óra
AI specialist with extensive experience in developing advanced solutions, including AI-powered chatbots, real-time transcription, speech-to-speech translation, and predictive analytics. I excel at creating machine learning models, deep learning, and generative models for a wide range of applications, from automation to intelligent forecasting. My expertise also includes building personalized recommendation systems, fraud detection tools, and virtual assistants, delivering scalable, high-quality AI solutions tailored to business needs. Let’s collaborate to innovate and optimize your operations with cutting-edge AI technologies!
Változtatások elmentve
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Senior Machine Engineer
jan., 2020 – Jelenleg is
5 év
Translation India
jan., 2020 - Jelenleg is
5 év
I have extensive experience in developing AI-based chatbots, specializing in transcription, real-time speech-to-speech translation, and AI-powered video and audio interpretation. Proficient in machine learning model development, including deep learning and generative models, I have worked on AI translation and interpretation systems that deliver real-time results with accuracy. My expertise covers end-to-end model deployment and integration of advanced AI tools for seamless user experiences.
Noida , India
jan., 2020 – Jelenleg is
5 év
Associate Machine Learning Engineer
febr., 2015 - jan., 2020
4 év, 11 hónap
febr., 2015 - jan., 2020
4 év, 11 hónap
Experienced in delivering innovative AI solutions tailored to meet business needs. I specialize in developing AI-powered systems that automate workflows, enhance customer engagement, and boost operational efficiency. Whether it's building recommendation engines, intelligent forecasting models, or custom AI-driven tools for fraud detection and customer segmentation, I ensure high-quality, scalable solutions. Let’s work together to bring AI to your business and unlock new opportunities for growth!
Noida, India
febr., 2015 - jan., 2020
4 év, 11 hónap
IIT Bombay - Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management
2013 - 2015
2 év
M. Tech
2013 - 2015
2 év
Delhi University
2009 - 2013
4 év
2009 - 2013
4 év
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