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Felhasználó avatár

Taimoor J.



Senior/Lead Consultant

$10 USD / óra
Pakistan (12:18 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: július 19, 2011
$10 USD / óra
I am a lead recruiter with more than a decade experience with various clients across all industry sectors. I have a very good experience working with Boolean Searches and sourcing the relevant candidates for the tech as well as non tech jobs from job boards as well as social and professional networks. I am graduated in computer Sciences and post graduation in Telecom, later on pursued my law degree as well, my education gives me a broader vision to understand the tech & non-tech jobs and source the best candidates out of the bunch.
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Senior Recruiter
júl., 2011 – Jelenleg is
13 év, 7 hónap
Greytree Partners LLC
júl., 2011 - Jelenleg is
13 év, 7 hónap
• Directly reporting to the General Manager - Automotive Practice • Dealing with contractual as well as permanent positions within the automotive industry covering mainly IT and Engineering positions. • Responsible for sourcing quality candidates from different sources including Job Boards and other Social and Professional networks like linkedin. • Uploading and updating candidates on the internal databases like Catsone
júl., 2011 – Jelenleg is
13 év, 7 hónap
Manager Recruitment
nov., 2013 - máj., 2014
6 hónap
Visionet Systems Inc
nov., 2013 - máj., 2014
6 hónap
Responsible for the strategic management of the department in an effective way and help team to drive business.
nov., 2013 - máj., 2014
6 hónap
Global Candidate Scout/Senior Technical Recruiter
dec., 2011 - aug., 2013
1 év, 8 hónap
Smiley Media
dec., 2011 - aug., 2013
1 év, 8 hónap
• Involved and responsible for the complete recruitment cycle - Reporting to Senior Director Human Potential • Communicating with the Hiring Managers to get the details of the upcoming positions • Preparing a Recruitment Plan (including 3rd party tests) and job description for the new positions • Researching and preparing the PreScreen and initial Interview questions • Sourcing candidates using Social Media, Job Boards, online global job market place, professional networks & diaries etc • Conducting initial interviews of the candidates • Performing complete screening of the candidates including Prescreen phase, interview phase, testing phase, test projects etc • Preparation of Endorsement documents to recommend the potential candidates for hire • Conducting testing (Cognitive, skills specific and personality) of the candidates using 3rd party tools • Scheduling Final interviews of the candidates with the hiring managers • Sending offer and rejection emails to the candidates • Tools Used – Jobvite, information portal - confluence, Google Docs, CATSONE, MS office
dec., 2011 - aug., 2013
1 év, 8 hónap
2015 - 2018
3 év
2015 - 2018
3 év
University of Central Punjab
2006 - 2008
2 év
2006 - 2008
2 év
University of Balochistan
2004 - 2006
2 év
BA (Maths, Economics, Persian)
2004 - 2006
2 év
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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