Systems engineer, software developer, graphic designer, an expert in web technologies.
Colombia (12:19 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: március 22, 2012
I'm Systems Engineer, Network Specialist and Telematic Services, with over ten years experience in design and implementation of strategic plans for information and communications technology, methodologies Scrum, ITIL and COBIT, implementation and management of servers and services Windows (Active Directory, Exchange) and Linux, implementation and network management, extensive knowledge in web application development (PHP), CMS (Joomla, Exponent, wordpress, Drupal, Zencart, Moodle, Prestashop, etc), Design and management databases (MySql, Oracle 9i, 10G, dBASE, Firebird, Access, SQLserver), algorithms and development in Java programming language and C.
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Universidad de La Rioja
2015 - 2016
1 év
Master en direccion y administracion de empresas MBA
2015 - 2016
1 év
Universidad del Cauca
2001 - 2002
1 év
Especialista en Redes y Servicios Telematicos
2001 - 2002
1 év
Universidad Autónoma de Colombia
1995 - 2000
5 év
Ingeniero de Sistemas
1995 - 2000
5 év
Foundation vWorker Member
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