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Sayuri R.



professional writer

$5 USD / óra
Sri Lanka (11:28 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: február 6, 2024
$5 USD / óra
We are seeking a talented and versatile individual to join our team as a Translator and Article Writer. In this role, you will be responsible for translating various types of content from one language to another while also creating engaging and informative articles for our target audience. The ideal candidate will possess exceptional language skills, a keen eye for detail, and a passion for writing. Responsibilities: Translate written material from one language to another accurately and efficiently. Adapt translations to maintain the original meaning, style, and tone of the content. Conduct thorough research to ensure accuracy and completeness of translated content. Create original articles, blog posts, and other written content on a variety of topics. Develop engaging and compelling content that resonates with our target audience. Proofread and edit content to ensure clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness. Collaborate with team members, including editors and designers, to produce high-quality content. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in translation and writing. Requirements: Proven experience as a translator and/or article writer. Proficiency in at least two languages, including fluency in written and spoken English. Excellent writing skills with the ability to produce clear, concise, and engaging content. Strong attention to detail and ability to maintain accuracy in translations. Ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously. Familiarity with translation software and tools is a plus. Bachelor's degree in translation, languages, journalism, or a related field is preferred. Benefits: Competitive salary based on experience and qualifications. Flexible work hours and the option for remote work. Opportunities for career growth and professional development. Collaborative and dynamic work environment. Health insurance and other benefits package.
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