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Rushan R.



I am a Student in search of work

$45 USD / óra
India (3:37 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: november 22, 2024
$45 USD / óra
Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the Typist position at your company. I am confident that I have the right skills and experience to be an asset to your team. I have two years of experience as a typist, during which time I have developed an impressive typing speed of 70 wpm with a high degree of accuracy. In addition to my typing skills, I have experience with data entry, creating and editing documents, preparing reports, and organizing digital files. I am also knowledgeable in various software, including Microsoft Word and Excel. My current role has required me to work in a fast-paced environment while managing multiple tasks simultaneously. Working in this type of environment has improved my organizational skills, allowing me to meet tight deadlines and handle any project that may come my way. I am highly motivated and have a strong work ethic. I am confident that I could make a positive contribution to your team. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and experience with you in more detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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