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Valami hiba történt. Kérjük, frissítse az oldalt és próbálja újra.
E-mail cím hitelesítése sikeres.
Good communication is essential...
$30 USD / óra
Slovakia (7:17 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: február 19, 2012
$30 USD / óra
My key to successful Employer -> Freelancer relationship is simple yet very important. It is Communication that has the priority and I will always try to adapt to your working hours.
Pavol is such an amazing talent! with great attention to detail and so much knowledge. Outstanding quality of work, and truly a pleasure to work with. We are continuing with further projects and look forward to continue to work with him! Highly recommended!
Pablo gave us a few great ideas and templates to view so we could visualize what we wanted to achieve with our new website. He was quick to make requested changes, had some great ideas and insights and was great at communicating. We really enjoyed working with him and will use him again in the future.