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Muhammad Muneeb W.



UI/UX Designer | Graphic | Web & Mobile App Design

$10 USD / óra
Pakistan (7:36 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: június 27, 2024
$10 USD / óra
If you're seeking a skilled UI/UX designer and Figma expert, you've come to the right place Design Portfolio: [login to view URL] I specialize in design thinking, wireframing, and interactive prototyping for exceptional user experiences, complemented by meticulous final UI graphics. Proficient in Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator, I bring over 2 years of expertise crafting UX/UI solutions across diverse web and mobile interfaces, including SaaS services, social networks, enterprise products, and marketplaces, as well as e-commerce platforms. I prioritize establishing trustful, transparent, and long-term relationships, grounded in professionalism, respect for privacy, and adherence to terms and deadlines. Why Choose to Work With Me? Visioning & Mind Mapping UX: I excel in conceptualizing and mapping out user experiences. Interactive Prototyping: Crafting prototypes that bring ideas to life effectively. UI Final Graphic Design Production: Ensuring every detail enhances user engagement and functionality. Key Strengths and Expertise: Figma UI/UX: Proficient in creating intuitive interfaces. User Journey and Flow: Optimizing paths for seamless user experiences. Mobile App UI/UX: Designing engaging mobile interfaces for iOS and Android. Low and High-Fidelity Wireframes: From initial concepts to detailed frameworks. Responsive Design: Ensuring seamless experiences across devices. E-commerce and Web Application Design: Tailoring interfaces to meet business objectives and user needs. Tools I Use: Figma Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe XD Balsamiq Sketch Fig Jam I am committed to continuous skill development and a passion for exceptional design. For projects requiring quality and creativity, please contact me via the provided form. Let’s create something outstanding together! Thank you, Muhammad Muneeb Warsi



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UI/UX Designer
jan., 2024 – Jelenleg is
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London, United Kingdom
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