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Mariana Z.



Industrial engineering-marketer

$6 USD / óra
Colombia (7:45 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: január 30, 2025
$6 USD / óra
I am an Industrial Engineer with experience in both the international development and private sectors. I have developed a career in marketing that has been shaped by my recognition of the impact of storytelling, which l've seen move people, drive engagement, and build powerful brands. I have solid experience in market research, having been involved in national new product launches. Additionally, I am skilled in implementing successful strategies for direct communication with end-users. My journey in marketing started with an internship at Colombina, where I had the opportunity to collaborate with successful brands in the Colombian market. It was there that I realized the power of connecting with millions of people through effective campaigns and products. Currently, I work as a Marketing Consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). My role involves enhancing the recognition of the IDB brand throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. I embraced the challenge of marketing not consumer products, but an organization, by crafting campaigns aimed at attracting high-quality talent. This journey, combined with my STEM background, has greatly influenced my ability to comprehend data and market trends. This, in turn, enables me to make informed decisions in building strong brands. I possess strong skills in storytelling, effective communication, collaboration within multidisciplinary teams, and problem-solving. However, I consider my creativity to be my greatest asset, and I aim to integrate it into each of my projects as a gift to others. I am enthusiastic about contributing my passion, creativity, and expertise to a dynamic team. If you're seeking a fresh perspective, feel free to connect with me!
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