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Hassan N.



Tranclation, design, data, writing,

$20 USD / óra
Pakistan (10:39 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: október 22, 2024
$20 USD / óra
Top Skills, Strengths, and Experiences: Writing and Copywriting I specialize in article writing, copywriting, report writing, and product descriptions. My writing style is clear, engaging, and tailored to suit different audiences. Whether you need blog posts, technical articles, marketing copy, or rewritten content, I ensure every piece is original and meets your needs. With a sharp eye for detail, I also excel at rewriting and polishing articles to enhance clarity and readability. Key Services: Article writing (blog posts, SEO content, technical reports) Product descriptions for e-commerce platforms Article rewriting for improved quality and tone Professional report writing Translation and Language Expertise I offer professional translation services across multiple languages, including Castilian Spanish, French, Portuguese (Brazil), and standard Portuguese. Fluent in both US and UK English, I adapt the translations to the regional or stylistic preferences required. With a deep understanding of cultural nuances, I ensure your content communicates effectively across language barriers. Languages Offered: English (US and UK) Castilian Spanish French Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal) Data Entry, Processing, and Cleansing I have strong expertise in data-related tasks, including data entry, processing, and cleansing. With meticulous attention to detail, I ensure your datasets are accurate, consistent, and well-organized. I can handle large volumes of data efficiently, helping you maintain high data quality for your projects and databases. Key Services: Data entry and record maintenance Data cleansing for accuracy and consistency Data processing and management Graphic Design with Photoshop Leveraging my skills in Photoshop, I create eye-catching designs tailored to your needs. From photo editing and image manipulation to promotional materials and product mock-ups, I ensure every design aligns with your brand’s vision. My designs blend creativity with functionality to deliver professional results. Photoshop Services: Photo retouching and editing Product design and mock-ups Creating marketing visuals Copy Typing and PDF Management I offer fast and accurate copy typing services for manuscripts, handwritten notes, and scanned documents. I am also proficient in managing and editing PDF files, ensuring documents are formatted correctly and easy to access. Key Services: Copy typing for various documents PDF editing, conversion, and management Product Design and Descriptions With experience in product design and descriptions, I assist businesses in creating compelling product presentations. Whether you need product specifications written clearly or design mock-ups for new products, I ensure your ideas are communicated effectively. What I’m Interested in Working On I am passionate about collaborating with clients across different industries, including e-commerce, education, and publishing. I enjoy working on tasks that involve creativity, such as graph
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jan., 2023 – Jelenleg is
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