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Ghazi H.



Website Designer, Developer, Wordpress, Shopify

$10 USD / óra
Pakistan (10:35 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: február 3, 2022
$10 USD / óra
☑️ Are you trying to get a ?TOP RATED Expert Website Designer who can provide you with dependability and a collection of skills? ☑️ Do you seek a freelancer who instantly "understands" your project's requirements? I always aim to provide my clients with affordable and timely Web design and development services. As a detail-oriented and eager learner, I confidently comprehend tasks and meet your expectations through my sincere and dedicated efforts. WordPress ⭐ Shopify ⭐ WooCommerce ⭐ Squarespace⭐ Opencart ⭐ Webflow ⭐ Cargo CMS ⭐ BigCommerce ⭐ Weebly ⭐Wix My work approach is defined by high quality, flawless communication, stringent deadlines, and cutting-edge solutions. ✨ Here's what I'm capable of doing (not limited to): ✔️ WordPress Theme and Plugin Development ✔️ Shopify Theme Development ✔️ Responsive Web Design ✔️ Customization and Integration ✔️ E-commerce Solutions (WooCommerce + Shopify) ✔️ Website Optimization for Speed and Performance ✔️ HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP ✔️ Version Control (Git) ✔️ SEO Best Practices ✔️ Performance improvement ✔️ Implement design from PSD, Figma, XD, and AI ✔️ Bug fixing ✔️ API integration ✔️ Payment integration ✔️ Funnel building ✔️ Shop migration ✔️ Shop upgrade ✔️ Custom development For me, quality is essential, and I want all of my clients to be pleased with my work.? ? I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to further discuss how my experience and skills align with your project goals. ⚡ KEYWORDS: web design and development, front-end web developer, best website makers, responsive web design, e-commerce website design, website design services, Shopify website design, web design services, website developers, web page design



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