Full Stack developer with 5+ years of professional development with the following technologies; PHP, Laravel, Python, Flask, Javascript, React, React Native, Vue & MySQL, APIs, MongoDB. Experience in Data Science & Electronics, do not hesitate to advertise opportunities to me.
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Junior Developer
okt., 2021 – Jelenleg is
3 év, 4 hónap
Midlands State University
okt., 2021 - Jelenleg is
3 év, 4 hónap
Develop internal web applications with PHP Laravel, vue & html.
Develop internal mobile applications with react native.
Cloud deployment on Digital Ocean droplets.
Linux hosting and adminstration.
Experience in Github version control.
okt., 2021 – Jelenleg is
3 év, 4 hónap
Intern Programmer
febr., 2020 - dec., 2020
10 hónap, 2 nap
Zimbabwe Open University
febr., 2020 - dec., 2020
10 hónap, 2 nap
Website administration and maintenance.
Collaborative database designs.
API development with python flask.
febr., 2020 - dec., 2020
10 hónap, 2 nap
Midlands State University
2018 - 2021
3 év
Information Systems
2018 - 2021
3 év
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