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Amit K.



Experienced Full Stack Developer

$12 USD / óra
India (4:35 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: szeptember 2, 2024
$12 USD / óra
As an experienced full-stack web developer, I offer a range of services to help clients bring their ideas to life. With expertise in Laravel, WordPress, Vuejs, React, and Node.js, I have the skills and knowledge to build intuitive and scalable web applications that meet the needs of my clients. Why choose me as your web developer? ✅I have a strong foundation in a variety of technologies, including PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and am always eager to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. ✅I am a reliable and dedicated professional, committed to delivering top-quality work and exceeding my client's expectations. ✅In my 4 years in the industry, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects, from small websites to enterprise-level applications. This diverse experience allows me to approach new challenges with creativity and flexibility. Some of the services I offer include: ✅Custom web application development using Laravel, WordPress, or Node.js ✅Website design and development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ✅E-commerce website development using platforms such as WooCommerce or Shopify ✅API development and integration ✅Maintenance and support for existing web applications If you are seeking a skilled and experienced web developer to help bring your ideas to life, I would be happy to discuss your project further and see how I can be of service.
Változtatások elmentve
5.0 · 1 Review
Expert and completed work ontime
Thomas A.
Cochin, India
6 hónappal ezelőtt
Full Stack Developer
szept., 2020 – Jelenleg is
4 év, 5 hónap
hash software
szept., 2020 - Jelenleg is
4 év, 5 hónap
I am working here as a full stack developer.
chandigarh, India
szept., 2020 – Jelenleg is
4 év, 5 hónap
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
2017 - 2020
3 év
2017 - 2020
3 év
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