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Felhasználó avatár

Cameron W.



Accomplished strategist and content writer.

$25 USD / óra
United States (12:01 du.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: december 15, 2024
$25 USD / óra
Highly organized and impact driven with experience in a digital newsroom, production and content writing for traditional and digital platforms. I have served a range of clients from local and national organizations to small businesses and professional athletes and have assisted with production preparation for national and international such as NBC, ESPN and CNN Sports for clients as a publicist. My goal is to assist those with the vision and passion to create impact for their industries, communities and individuals through amplifying their messages and storytelling by curating narratives that educate and connect with target audiences. Additional experience as a professional serving individuals and families with diverse needs and goals allows me to connect key messages and storylines in a meaningful way. My strategies and proven track record has increased * Audience engagement by 45% * Funding by 25% * Impact by 60% I love freelancing because it allows me to support small to medium businesses and organizations, meet new people and learn new perspectives about the world around me. I've developed new interests and insights that I infuse into my projects and want to continue gaining new experiences through the projects on the Freelancer platform.
Változtatások elmentve
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Communications Consultant
szept., 2006 – Jelenleg is
18 év, 6 hónap
Free Initiatives, LLC
szept., 2006 - Jelenleg is
18 év, 6 hónap
No Description Provided
szept., 2006 – Jelenleg is
18 év, 6 hónap
Digital Audience Specialist
jún., 2013 - szept., 2014
1 év, 3 hónap
Cox Media Group Ohio
jún., 2013 - szept., 2014
1 év, 3 hónap
No Description Provided
jún., 2013 - szept., 2014
1 év, 3 hónap
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