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Felhasználó avatár

Arun S.



Mobile Application developer

$8 USD / óra
India (12:37 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: november 15, 2017
$8 USD / óra
I am experienced in creating and developing new features of android and IOS apps in flutter framework and also very much skilful in shipping them in different groups with high satisfaction. I have been in this sector for like 10 years now and pretty experienced in creating apps with using the proper app languages. I have highly proficiency in coding and programming languages Java, Kotlin, Dart as I have a bachelor degree on Computer science. I have experience in mobile UI design, Api development, Room database, Third party api implementation , MVVM framework, Dependency injection, Work Manager and jetpack libraries. Also I can initiate a project skillfully and maintain the consistency diplomatically. I work collaborated with Cross-Functional groups and this experience has taught me about commercialism and tactful movement. As an Flutter Developer, I have created a technical group from where I can learn my mistakes and errors.
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Nincsenek megtekinthető értékelések!
Senior Mobile Application Developer
ápr., 2013 – Jelenleg is
11 év, 9 hónap
Tech Mahindra
ápr., 2013 - Jelenleg is
11 év, 9 hónap
I am experienced in creating and developing new features of android and IOS apps in flutter framework and also very much skilful in shipping them in different groups with high satisfaction Also I can initiate a project skillfully and maintain the consistency diplomatically. I work collaborated with Cross-Functional groups and this experience has taught me about commercialism and tactful movement. As an Flutter Developer, I have created a technical group from where I can learn my mistakes
ápr., 2013 – Jelenleg is
11 év, 9 hónap
Punjab Technical University
2011 - 2014
3 év
Bachelor of computer science
2011 - 2014
3 év
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