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Aidy P.



Skilled writer, translator, customer support agent

$9 USD / óra
Suriname (4:21 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: december 20, 2020
$9 USD / óra
I am good at writing professional, SEO and Casino articles. Both news and regular articles. I have a BA degree. I write on various topics, including education, public health. I have 10 years of writing experience. Some of my characteristics: I am accurate, I am a team player, I can work independently, I am stress resistant and I aim for deadlines. I like challenges and I always look for them. I am eager to learn and like to share knowledge with others through writing. I also have a passion for young people. Another thing in which I am also very good is translating from Dutch to English and vice versa. I occasionally perform and do translation work for students and organizations. Not only can I write, but I am also very good at it verbally. Because of my beautiful voice color I now and then do ads for tv and radio. During 3 years I also did the marketing for a TV station. I have always attracted customers with my marketing strategies. Creating compelling ads is one of my strengths. I always managed to find a solution for dissatisfied customers. I also have more than 4 years of call center work experience, both inbound and outbound. I am also a good and capable virtual assistant. I have been able to help several entrepreneurs with a Shopify and [login to view URL] online store. Also not to be forgotten. Until recently I did the subtitling, for an international company. I am a very versatile person with a diversification of skills. LANGUAGES ★★★★★ Dutch ★★★★★ Sranan ★★★★★ Aukaans ★★★★☆ English SKILLS Communication Skills Teamwork Leadership Ability to Work in a Team Ability to Work Under Pressure Microsoft Office Problem Solving Time Management Communication WORK EXPERIENCE * February 2011 – June 2014 Writer at De West (newspaper), Paramaribo * July 2014 – august 2019 Freelance writer at de Ware Tijd (newspaper), Paramaribo * January 2017-december 2019 Marketing manger/ call agent 4Youthtv *June 2019 Content Specialist Novartis NL/ VA Shopify and [login to view URL] store *2019-2022 Call Agent at F Touch Panrolling b.v Call Agent at Directklantcontact EDUCATION * October 2011 – June 2015 AHKCO, BA Main subject Journalism, communication.
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