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Tanvir Ahmed T.



Google & Meta Ads Expert|Media Buyer|Email.Twitter

$15 USD / óra
Bangladesh (6:16 de.)
Ekkor csatlakozott: május 27, 2023
$15 USD / óra
Hi, I'm Tanvir Ahmed Taki a professional Digital Marketing Expert with a passion for helping businesses to develop their brand online and generate growth. I am also a Creative Social media Specialist with a wealth of experience in Google & Facebook Advertising. My potential targets are Startup Online Business growth strategy, scaling & optimization Since 2019 I have supported many offline potential clients in creating a visual business by advertising on popular digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Google Advertising on the Facebook platform (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger & Whats App) is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business or products and services you sell About 3 million business advertise on Facebook So there is a big chance to grow your business. I can take responsibility for my job and am pleased to be your mentor in every aspect of your promotional activities It is not easy for the novice to run Facebook ads that are cost-effective and designed correctly. Developing inaccuracies content and targeting the wrong audience doesn't only loss of sales they'll also waste a lot of money. Are you just starting from Zero and want to go Number One? or Do you have a business empire with a proven model and want to scale it up? Then, I'm here to make it happen for you. My Services Include the - traffic campaign, Brand awareness Campaign, and Lead Generation Campaign (With Guaranteed 99.99% Results) Engagement Campaigns (Page Like Post Engagement, Event Engagement, App Install Campaign, Video Marketing Campaigns, Conversion Campaigns (highly optimized, highly targeted, Management) catalog sales Campaigns SEO Friendly Description A/B testing Configuration of Facebook Messenger Chat Bot Create your Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn Business Page Moreover!!! Pixels Installation Pixels Tracking and Re-targeting Ad Account Setup Complete Sales Funnel Creation Custom and Lookalike audience PPC Advertising Google Ads GTM Weekly Ad Management
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5.0 · 1 Review
Felhasználó avatár
I left satisfide with the freelancer
Daria K.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5 hónappal ezelőtt
social media manager
máj., 2020 – Jelenleg is
4 év, 8 hónap
T & G Digital
máj., 2020 - Jelenleg is
4 év, 8 hónap
Throughout my professional journey, I have accumulated diverse and enriching experiences that have honed my skills and shaped my career trajectory. My first foray into the professional world was as a marketing intern at T & G Digital, where I developed a foundational understanding of market research and campaign execution. This exposure laid the groundwork for my subsequent roles.
máj., 2020 – Jelenleg is
4 év, 8 hónap
Social Media Manager
LEDP-ICT Ministry Bangladesh 2019
My certification from LEDP-ICT Ministry Bangladesh 2019 reflects my proficiency in utilizing popular digital marketing platforms and tools. I honed my skills in creating engaging content, optimizing websites for search engines, and leveraging social media platforms to enhance brand visibility and engagement.
Citified Search Engine Marketer
Udemy 2021
The curriculum covered a wide range of essential topics, including Search Engine Marketer & social media marketing, content strategy, and analytics. I gained a deep understanding of the latest digital marketing trends, tools, and techniques, enabling me to develop and implement effective campaigns across various digital channels.
Certified Digital Marketer
SR Dream IT 2020
In 2020, I earned my certification as a Digital Marketer from SR Dream IT, showcasing a comprehensive skill set in the dynamic field of digital marketing. This intensive program equipped me with the knowledge and practical expertise required to excel in today's competitive online landscape.
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