Translate English video to Chinese subtitles
$10-30 USD
Kiszállításkor fizetve
Hi, I'm looking for a native Chinese speaker to translate two videos from English to simplified Chinese and create chinese subtitles for them. Please quote your price per video minute in the bid.
Projektazonosító: #9627594
A projektről
14 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 26$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára
I've done a few similar tasks like yours. I will translate the videos to Chinese and create subtitles for them as well. I can send you some of the work that I've done. My price per video minute is USD3. Let's discuss m Továbbiak
Hi I'm native Chinese speaker and very interested on the task. I get annoyed when the subtitle wasn't right or missing important information on the movie. I believe my fluent of English and Chinese languages can help Továbbiak
I am a native speaker of Chinese please show me the video contents first. Please have a nice day.