Construction MS Project Schedule Draft

Befejezett Kiadva: 2 hónapja Kiszállításkor fizetve
Befejezett Kiszállításkor fizetve

I'm seeking a professional familiar with MS Project to draft a time schedule for two construction projects.


- Utilize a provided list of milestones to create the timeline

- Understand construction project timelines

- Proficient in MS Project

Please note, this task doesn't involve identifying milestones or resource allocation, but purely the scheduling based on the provided milestones. I will edit it later to add duration per each task for catagory and subcategory.

check attached.

Projektmenedzsment Projektütemezés Építészet Mélyépítés Tudományos írás

Projektazonosító: #38918550

A projektről

8 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 2 hónapja



Hi I am Noman an expert in Construction project management. I've read your request and will fulfill it. (1)I am an accomplished expert with a wealth of experience utilizing Microsoft Project to create precise and in- Továbbiak

$20 USD 1 napon belül
(2 értékelés)

8 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 16$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


My name is "Usama Safdar" and I am a Ph.D degree holder which means I am highly-capable to tackle this project "Content Editor " with 100 percent accuracy. I am a professional writer with over 6 years of experience Továbbiak

$10 USD 1 napon belül
(283 vélemény)

I am a seasoned content writer with nearly a decade of expertise, I empower entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses to articulate their unique value proposition. My portfolio showcases a proven track record Továbbiak

$10 USD 1 napon belül
(267 vélemény)

My name is Rabia Faisal, I am working in the writing industry since 2011. During this time, I have served countless clients with a full amount of satisfaction by providing them with TOP Quality Solutions. I have comman Továbbiak

$10 USD 1 napon belül
(168 vélemény)

Hi there, I have experience in working with microsoft project and can do it for you. You can give me a message to discuss further.

$20 USD 1 napon belül
(30 vélemény)

Hi sir/ma'am I'm expert in ms office. I'm interesting in your project. I can help you in your project. You can give me one chance.

$20 USD 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)

As an experienced project manager, I have a deep understanding of the construction industry and how vital an accurate and effective schedule is to the success of any project. I am well-versed in MS Project, utilizing i Továbbiak

$20 USD 7 napon belül
(0 vélemény)