Write some Photo Booth Software

Törölve Kiadva: 7 évvel ezelőtt Kiszállításkor fizetve
Törölve Kiszállításkor fizetve

Write a full feature Photo Booth software program.


Nikon dslrs

Cannn dslrs

Canon Powershots

Full template editing

Full printing capabilities


features snapchat-like filters

PHP Szoftverarchitektúra

Projektazonosító: #14108558

A projektről

17 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 7 évvel ezelőtt

17 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 732$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hello, I have read what you exactly need, however I would like to ask you a few questions. I do work smart and do not rest until I get the job done. Please feel free to ping me anytime so we can have a detailed discus Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(37 vélemény)

Hi, I (Myself a senior PHP Developer) have a team having experience of more than 10 years in developing web and mobile applications. I have a team of expert programmers who write robust and bug-free codes at the ve Továbbiak

$773 USD 15 napon belül
(27 vélemény)

Hi, my name is Mike, I’m based in Oxford, UK. Your project description sounds interesting to me and I do have skills & experience that are required to complete it to a high standard. I can show you some examples of my Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(47 vélemény)

Note: I have already developed many software's and very much proficient in writing a full feature Photo Booth software program according all ypour specifications. Hi Dear, I am glad to offer you my services, I ha Továbbiak

$750 USD 10 napon belül
(25 vélemény)

Hey, how is it going today? My name is Michael, I'm a web designer/developer from Boston. I've had a look at your project description and feel that my skills match your requirements perfectly. In fact, I did a very sim Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(7 vélemény)

Dear Prospective Client, As based on my initial review I can confirm its feasibility & as I am great fit technically and have good understanding of the domain & your requirement & would submit a detailed response so Továbbiak

$555 USD 10 napon belül
(8 vélemény)