[login to view URL] for mobile

Folyamatban Kiadva: 4 évvel ezelőtt Kiszállításkor fizetve
Folyamatban Kiszállításkor fizetve

update who-db website to be visible on a mobile

PHP MySQL HTML JavaScript Webdesign

Projektazonosító: #27412720

A projektről

8 ajánlat Távolról teljesíthető projekt Utoljára aktív: 4 évvel ezelőtt

8 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 133$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára


Hi, I can update the mobile view for the who-db website in time. I am ready to start right now.

$100 CAD 2 napon belül
(28 vélemény)

Dear Client, i am an experienced web developer and will make your website mobile optimized. Let's have chat to discuss. Thank you

$150 CAD 7 napon belül
(70 vélemény)

Hi! I will be able to update who-db website to visible on mobile I am full-stack developer including all skills. I always provide perfect results to my clients as you can see my profile and reviews. If you give me a ch Továbbiak

$140 CAD 7 napon belül
(38 vélemény)

Dear Prospect, I would like a chance to impress you by my quality of work. I am delivering my services from last 8 years including domains eCommerce,social media & Chat, Real eState, Marketplace, On-Demand delivery, Továbbiak

$30 CAD 3 napon belül
(28 vélemény)

Hello Thanks for your job posting. I read your job description and understand you need. I have rich experience like your job. Will give you unlimited revisions until you are 100% satisfied, and will give you 1 month fr Továbbiak

$122 CAD 2 napon belül
(8 vélemény)