I need a photo edited
$10-30 USD
Kiszállításkor fizetve
I need a photo for edited quickly to even out lighting. I would like to make the glitter pop if possible. This photo is in celebration of a new promotion at work but was done by my sister with no photography experience so anything you can do to make the photo look as good as possible will be appreciated.
Projektazonosító: #26862635
A projektről
Hello! I'm a Photoshop expert, with over 10 yrs experience. I have reviewed your project proposal carefully, I am well confident to execute this project perfectly in short span of time. My bid price is very fair inclu Továbbiak
13 szabadúszó tett átlagosan 16$ összegű árajánlatot erre a munkára
Hello, greetings I have read the description of the project and I am very interested in . I can done this job within 2 hours perfectly. Please send me a message for more discussion about your project, take your val Továbbiak
Hi! I am a photoeditor, I have 5 years of experience in this field, I have read through your request and have understood your requirements, skills and experience I believe will make you satisfied. Best quality for the Továbbiak
I will make it for you with a perfect editing app and submit it in a blink of an eye. Message away! Thanks, Pingoopen Freelancer
altamente capacitado para trabajos de edición de forma veloz y eficaz. déjame trabajar para ti y no te decepcionare, el mejor costo del mercado. garantía en mis trabajos, aun después de entregar el servicio. por la edi Továbbiak
welcome all of u here i produce my own music, here all i am doing is reharsal of my music making all of my songs are made by me so if any one want to know how did i make it just contact me.